A decision holding that the Lake Shore & Southern, Chesapeake & Ohio, Hocking Valley, Toledo & Ohio Central, and the Kanawha & Michigan railroads have combined to violate the Sherman antitrust law, has been handed down by the United States circuit court.
of the compensations of the smoky English town where the writer lives is the spring collection of modern pictures, which is open to the public free during that season of the year, when the promise of life is renewed in many a lesson which these pictures have to tell.
the spirit of generosity and compassion within, it is well-nigh impossible to recognize, certainly to appreciate, a manifestation of it from without, even when it is personally presented for our consideration.
To cite the practises of a mesmerist which the critic acknowledges were "only an exhibition of the force of suggestion or the action of the law of faith, over a patient in the impressible condition," as in any degree comparable with the practise of Christian faith and understanding as taught in the Bible and reemphasized by Mrs.
It is unfortunate that the reverend critic should have considered it necessary to attack other Christians in their work for humanity before learning the facts concerning their teaching.
In his manifest attempt to discredit Christian Science, our critic takes the position that the body is beyond the control of God, and cannot be healed by appeal to Him.
, give me an understanding heart,That I may learn to know myself, and seeWhere I should spurn the wrong and choose the better part,And thus from sinful bondage be set free.
Christians are familiar with the petition in the Lord's Prayer which reads: "Give us this day our daily bread," the spiritual interpretation of which is as follows: "Give us grace for to-day; feed the famished affections".
A thoughtful
reading of the ninety-first Psalm brings one a keener sense of the fitness of the union of truth and beauty, of the expression of the highest ideal in the highest art.
Having received so many benefits from Christian Science, I am earnestly desirous of expressing my gratitude first for the better understanding of God, and of His love for man, which formerly had seemed little more than a beautiful dream.
Louis B. Newman
with contributions from Carrie H. Newman, William P. Newman
Being very thankful to God for the benefits received through Christian Science, and thinking that some one may be benefited by reading my testimony, I gladly send it.
Helen M. Olsen
with contributions from Kathe Kutschwalski
Jesus' words to the father of the little maid, "Be not afraid, only believe," have been a wonderful help to me in the study of Christian Science, for I have learned that fear is indeed one of our greatest enemies.
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