It has been popularly held for ages that there was an...

Stockton (Cal.) Mail

It has been popularly held for ages that there was an irreconcilable conflict between science and religion; yet true religion involves an understanding of God, and cannot conflict with the facts of His universe. Thus viewed, religion should interpret truth, and its practise cannot either ignore or suppress facts. God is eternal Principle, and to learn of God is to learn the law of Life.

Christian Scientists are only beginners in this infinite study, yet they recognize that there is more to man than what is seen materially—that the intellectual the moral, and the spiritual are potent and never to be neglected factors in his life, and must be taken into account before harmonious results can be attained. It is on this basis that the teachings of Jesus are of value, for he certainly understood the laws of health and right living.

Jesus healed multitudes, yet all these have passed through death, and Jesus himself had to combat the "last enemy." This is not an argument against his teachings, nor does it discredit in the least the genuineness of New Testament healing. Likewise the fact that Mrs. Eddy is not with us in the flesh today does not detract from the correctness of her teachings.

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