First details of the four-million-dollar preliminary development of the Bronx river, which means a parkway fifteen and a half miles long, comprising an area of eleven hundred and thirty acres, extending from Bronx park in New York to the new reservation for the Kensico reservoir and connecting park lands with watershed properties that aggregate, exclusive of the Catskill project, nearly thirty thousand acres and represent an expenditure of over one hundred and thirty million dollars, have been given out by the Bronx Parkway Commission.
is the unexplained inconsistency of a professedly Christian people that they should continue to reckon as legitimate and true what God condemns, or what is logically out of keeping with His infinite nature.
tenderly the dewdrop finds a placeUpon the thirsty violet's drooping face!No fury in its course, no haste, no noiseTo mar the beauty of the flow' ret's poise.
It has been popularly held for ages that there was an irreconcilable conflict between science and religion; yet true religion involves an understanding of God, and cannot conflict with the facts of His universe.
In a recent issue detailing the closing scenes of the Bible school conference, mention is made of an attack on Christian Science by one of the speakers.
The tenor of our critic's remarks would indicate that in his opinion Christian Science is espoused only by people of weak or unsound mind, or else that Christian Science reduces its adherents to this condition.
The religious practise of Christian Science, healing its followers through the mental influence of a morally pure and spiritual reasoning, is fully in accord with Paul's preaching, "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus," and it may be truthfully said to have been fully established and employed by our Saviour, Christ Jesus, nineteen centuries ago; who, in his daily and hourly ministration of divine Truth to the people, always accompanied his sermons by healing the suffering, needy, weary, and sinladen multitude who sought him at every angle of his busy life, feeling instinctively that he was their savior from evil of every sort; and thus he drew all men unto himself.
It is a platitude of many critics, who think they know all about Christian Science, that Christian Scientists profess indifference to pain, deny its existence, and seek freedom from its thrall by trying to delude themselves that there is no such thing as physical suffering.
year, in the month of September, by common consent the activities of the board of lectureship of The Mother Church, in the exercise of its mission to mankind, are again set in motion, and the great good which the work of this board is accomplishing again becomes apparent to Christian Scientists.
of the heresy of death-worship as having supplanted the doctrine of the resurrection with very many Christian believers, a prominent American clergyman is reported to have said recently: "The Scripture teaches that 'we that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened; but it does not therefore thrust its writ of ejection into our hands as our greatest consolation.
I wish to add mine to the long list of testimonies which have been helpful to so many, and if my experience should reach some troubled one who is suffering from the belief that sickness and suffering are allowed by God and must be cured by medical or surgical means, I would say that it is well to know that God made man in His image, but never made sickness.
I am glad to have the privilege of showing my gratitude to God for the benefits which myself and our two little boys have received through Christian Science.
My aim and desire in writing my testimony is that it may aid some searchers for health, and give them the permanent peace that they desire, whether rich or poor.
the westward, as I gazed, mine eyesA noble peak did many times behold,That to my sense Truth's permanence foretold:Mind's endless reign and error's sure demise;Now, as I look, no mountain doth arise,For see! a dismal fog hath o'er it rolled!Yet know I well, beneath this covering coldUnchanged in all its grandeur still it lies.
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