I have a deep sense of gratitude for what Christian Science...

I have a deep sense of gratitude for what Christian Science has done for me, and I consider it a duty as well as a pleasure and a great privilege to give a testimony of my experience in Christian Science. I became interested in Christian Science by going to a Wednesday evening meeting with friends, who had asked me to go many times, but as I had always been most reluctant about going to any church, I naturally postponed it continually. However, to please them and satisfy my curiosity, I started to go the first time. I have often acknowledged in public what a wonderful impression that first Wednesday evening meeting made on me. It was impossible to listen to the testimonies that were given without being impressed by the earnestness and ring of conviction which they carried with them. It gave me food for thought and I began to realize that all these testimonies were outpourings of gratitude for priceless blessings which had come to every one of those testifying—blessings from the great storehouse of divine Love, and today I know that all these blessings may be possessed and realized to their fullest extent by all the children of God.

From that Wednesday evening meeting I became more and more interested in Christian Science; so much so, that I borrowed a copy of Science and Health from a friend, who was only too willing to loan it to me until such time, he said, when I felt a desire to possess one myself. After being in Science about three months, I was suddenly taken ill with a severe bilious attack, which previously had thrown me on a sick-bed many times and always meant a week or two at home, taking nauseous medicines. This sudden attack, combined with great fear on account of past experiences, put me in a state of nervousness and in a great quandary, not knowing which way to turn.

I had to decide for myself either to send for and rely upon a doctor, or depend upon the healing power of Truth as revealed by the teachings of Christian Science; but "man's extremity is God's opportunity," and a thought came to me to decide in favor of Christian Science. A little light had come to me through the study of Science and Health, and I had memorized the "scientific statement of being" (Science and Health, p. 468), which after going to bed I had kept repeating continuously, but only in a perfunctory or mechanical half-hearted way, when suddenly it dawned upon me that I ought to pray; but I did not know how, as I had not prayed to God since my childhood days. Again Science and Health came to my rescue; I remembered the words of the chapter on Prayer where Mrs. Eddy says, "The prayer that reforms the sinner and heals the sick is an absolute faith that all things are possible to God" (p. 1), and that every good thought and desire for good is a prayer. And so I prayed to God for more faith and understanding so that I could become conscious of His omnipotence and His omnipresence and His love. With that prayer I fell asleep, in spite of a high fever and great fear, and when I awoke the next morning every trace of fever and fear was gone; perfect harmony had been restored, and I have never had the slightest return of the trouble.

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Testimony of Healing
About three years ago, while diligently pursuing the...
August 24, 1912

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