Secretary of the Interior Fisher submitted to the House committee on public lands last week a proposal to lease government coal lands to cities which will operate coal mines under regulations making it possible for consumers to enjoy the use of fuel at reasonable prices.
were somewhat interested at one time, it is said, in a possible device for dispelling tornadoes—something to establish a counteraction and prevent or scatter the approaching storm.
of the distinctive features of the Christian Science movement, and one which has perhaps done a great deal to attract the attention of the world, is the spirit of wholesome optimism which the adherents of this religion radiate.
is very interesting and sometimes helpful to retrace words to their origin, for often those which are much used have a deeper significance than that which appears on the surface, a meaning which has been lost, weakened, or perverted in the course of time.
teaching a Sunday school class in the old days, I loved to tell them the story of the vision which came to Paul, on the road to Damascus, and the eager faces and intense interest of the children made this story doubly interesting to myself.
one thought guide you through the livelong day,This thought be with you still at candle-time;A starry thought of hope and peace sublime,However dim the path or wild the way.
In an issue of your periodical you published a contribution under the caption "Pseudo Science," which makes the charge that Christian Science is "neither science nor Christianity.
It cannot be truthfully said of Christian Science that it does anything else but reform the sinner and heal the sick, nor can it be successfully denied that it accomplishes both these works in marked degree.
John's understanding of Jesus and his teachings did not come through the physical senses any more than did that of Peter when Jesus said to him: "Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-jona : for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.
do, to dare, to brave convention's scorn;Achieving, where the coward dare not tread;Rising as fearless as the light each morn;Attempting that which recreant heart would dread.
Jesus assembled his disciples before the feast of the passover, when he "knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world unto the Father," and after he had symbolized to them the humility of that love "which passeth all understanding" and had eaten his last supper with them, he preached a sermon second only in importance to the sermon on the mount.
Christian people would deny that divine Truth must of necessity be unfailing, and yet not many of these are ready to avail themselves of its infinite power and limitless provision for human need in all the varied exigencies of human experience, although the psalmist assures us that divine Truth "endureth to all generations.
first and most important thing for every little one to learn, is the unyielding nature of true love, and the future of the child whose parents are not wise enough or not strong enough to impart this lesson, is apt to bring him unhappiness if not defeat.
Large crowds of people attended the two services held in connection with the formal dedication of First Church of Christ, Scientist, yesterday [July 14].
I have a deep sense of gratitude for what Christian Science has done for me, and I consider it a duty as well as a pleasure and a great privilege to give a testimony of my experience in Christian Science.
About three years ago, while diligently pursuing the study of music, I was stricken with the malady known as "piano player's paralysis," and was compelled to discontinue my studies.
It seems almost like ingratitude when we fail to express to the world our thankfulness for the many blessings which come to us through the study of Christian Science.
About five years ago, my mother, who was suffering from a complication of diseases, traveled from hospitals to sanitariums, and tried everything that materia medica offered for her complaints, with no help whatsoever.
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