Our critic cannot measure Christian Science accurately...

Eagle Pass (Tex.) News-Guide

Our critic cannot measure Christian Science accurately by his yardstick, for if he only understood the teachings of Christian Science he could make proof of his understanding by following Christ Jesus in doing the works of healing the sick, and recall the words of St. James: "But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?" Humanity today is demanding a return of the demonstrable faith which accords with the promise of the blessed Master, who said: "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also." Christian Science is accomplishing this today. By its healing ministrations sin is abandoned and disease is demolished, and men and women everywhere are getting to know God aright, and are giving thanks for His unspeakable gifts and loving-kindnesses.

A grass materialism cannot correctly fathom the meaning of the record of creation given in the first chapter of Genesis, wherein it is declared that God made man in His image and likeness, in the likeness of Spirit; that God made all things, and saw everything that He had made, and pronounced it "very good." God finished His work, and He left nothing to be made. Matter, sin, disease, and death are not mentioned in the Elohistic record of creation, and therefore they are not of God, nor for man made in God's image and likeness. St. John has said: "All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made." Christ Jesus was engaged in healing the sick, reforming the sinner, and raising the dead, and of him it was said that he had come to destroy the works of the devil.

If there exists between Christian Science and other organizations such a great difference as our critic declares, and if Christian Science is seen to be doing the works of healing that were required by the great Master, would it not seem advisable for our opponents to come to us, in a friendly spirit of brotherly kindness, to make inquiry into the teachings and practices of Christian Science, and thus learn how closely they conform to the teachings of the great Teacher, Christ Jesus? If Jesus had followed the teachings of the Pharisees, he would not have been stoned and maligned and crucified; but then the earth would have been deprived of Christianity and its healing Christ, and there would have been no progress made heavenward. Christ Jesus openly rebuked the Pharisees and suffered martyrdom, and his true followers may expect the world of materialism to differ with them even as it differed with him; but they will not become discouraged, nor faint beside the way, because others do not believe their report, which is attested by thousands of instances of the healing of bodily infirmities and mental distresses.

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