I have many reasons for being grateful to God and to...

I have many reasons for being grateful to God and to our beloved Leader. Two years ago last August I took my first treatment in Christian Science for abdominal trouble, after suffering untold agonies at intervals for five months. One evening when my husband came home and found me in bed ill, he asked me if I would like to try Christian Science. I said, "No; Christian Science cannot do anything for me," for I was much opposed to it. The next evening he again came to me and said a friend had once more spoken to him of Christian Science, telling him the benefit his family had received from it. I again refused, and said I knew everything had been done in my case that could be done. However, he urged me to see a practitioner and have a talk, even if I did not wish to take treatment. In mentioning the matter to a dear friend she advised me to have nothing to do with Christian Science, and recommended another doctor who was very successful in cases such as mine, so I decided to try him. He examined me thoroughly and said I was in a dreadful condition. I asked him to be truthful and tell me if he thought he could help me. He said he would do all he could for me and when he could do no more he would place me under the care of a skilful surgeon.

I promised my husband that if this last doctor failed I would try Christian Science, if there was no alternative but an operation; for I absolutely refused to be operated upon, although that was the only encouragement the other doctors had given me. This last physician, like the others, failing to help me, I turned to Christian Science. Not knowing that I could have a practitioner call at my home, I went to one, although I was in pain all the way and suffering from the jolting of the car, which was my only means of getting there as I could not stand driving. How I reached the practitioner's office was a marvel to me, as I was so weak and almost helpless, but I finally got there. After waiting some time, I had a talk with the practitioner and took my first treatment. I was told to go home and eat whatever I wished and think no more about my trouble. Not seeing a car coming as I left the office, I walked a block, and then before I knew it I had gone five blocks—more than I had been able to do in the past five months. I felt like a new person, and able to walk any distance. When my husband returned home that evening he looked at me with astonishment, and asked what I was doing. I told him I was helping to get dinner and proposed to eat some of it. I ate, that night, without any bad effects, food such as I had not eaten for a number of months. I can now say that I was healed in the first treatment, although I continued to take treatment for a time, as I had great fear. I am thankful to say that I have been in perfect health ever since, whereas before I was always extremely delicate.

Four months after my healing another wonderful demonstration was made in our family. My husband, while rolling a barrel of oil on to the elevator, received a severe injury to the chin and lower jaw. The firm called a doctor, and while he was sewing up the lacerations my husband helped himself with the little knowledge of Christian Science he had gained through my experience. He could only take liquid nourishment through a rubber tube. One of his ankles also was badly injured, and the leg bruised from the foot to the knee. The physician said he would not be able to put his foot to the floor for at least six weeks. As soon as the doctor had gone, my husband made me understand that he wanted Christian Science treatment, and I immediately sent word to a practitioner, who told us to have no fear; that everything would be all right. The improvement was so rapid that the doctor was astonished. In a week my husband was walking with a cane, and in three weeks he was at the store superintending his work.

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Testimony of Healing
I am thankful indeed for all that Christian Science has...
May 30, 1908

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