There is not the slightest doubt in the mind of the...

Corona (Cal.) Courier

There is not the slightest doubt in the mind of the editor but that those of the Christian Science faith have something satisfying in a religious doctrine. Their faces show it, and what is more, their lives show it. They seem always kind and thoughtful, and from a practical stand point the extension of a favor or the granting of some kindness seems not the slightest inconvenience, no matter what the exigency. This is a pretty good test of one's faith or the soundness of one's belief. "By their fruits ye shall know them" is the Biblical injunction that seems to have been thoroughly inculcated into the Christian Science adherents. If they have what they seem to have, and what their daily life would indicate they have, it is natural that they should want the whole world to become informed along the same line and have an opportunity to get all the goodness out of life they have apparently found. . . .

Christian Science has made wonderful strides in its relatively brief existence, and if the same progress is made in the next century, the acceptance of the belief will indeed be more general.

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