The statement is made in a late issue that "from the...


The statement is made in a late issue that "from the exercise of the will comes also magical therapeutics, the ancestor of Christian Science." On the contrary, Christian Science proves that the exercise of will-power is but one of the activities of the human or mortal mind, and that in its action it corresponds to mesmerism, suggestion, and other phenomena of like nature. Christian Science proves that all disease and discord of every nature are of mental procurement and that they are produced by this same mortal, or, as St. Paul expresses it, "carnal" mind, which is the source of will-power. It is therefore evident that deliverance from these conditions must be sought in something higher and more potent than in this so-called mind which causes them. Christian Scientists learn that their salvation and deliverance depend upon their understanding and demonstration of the fact that the divine Mind, or Mind which is God, is the source of all help; that it is the only means of destruction for discords of human experience, which are the results of the false mortal belief in the reality of the existence of other minds than the one Mind. St. Paul said, "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus;" that is, let the Mind which is God, infinite good, so fill your consciousness that all of the false beliefs—hypnotic suggestions, will-power, etc.—which make up the sum total of the carnal or mortal mind, and are therefore unlike God, good, and no part of His creation, may be destroyed.

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