I write the following testimony in the hope that it may...

I write the following testimony in the hope that it may lead some one to the truth which makes free. In June, 1899, my health commenced to fail. I was very nervous and unable to sleep, and gradually grew worse, until the following February, when I was compelled to give up. I was in bed two months, and although I was around the house during the summer I was unable to do any work. I went to a sanitarium to consult a specialist, who said I was in a very serious condition, and unless I received help very soon was liable to be a confirmed invalid. As I did not improve under his treatment, but rather seemed to grow worse, I returned home very much discouraged. I kept on trying everything that was recommended me by friends, electricity, osteopathy, etc., also change of scene and climate. I was in a very distressing condition, being at times so full of fear that I did not want to see my friends. In May, 1903, my mother died, after several weeks' illness. She had been treated by two physicians, one a specialist on nervous diseases. I was also under the care of one of them for about two years, and of the other for three or four months. Not having improved, I consulted another physician, who after a thorough examination said I must either try the "rest cure" or a constant change of scene. Neither of these prescriptions appealed to me, as I had been away more than I had been at home. In the fall of 1903 I went away East for three months, but returned very nervous and unable to sleep more than a few hours at a time. Soon after my return I was told that my brother was insane, and in July, 1904, he was taken to an asylum. At this time my fear was very great indeed, and it seemed as if I could hold out but a few weeks longer. My physician informed me that medicine could do me no good and I must leave immediately for the seashore and not come back under a year.

At this time divine Love led me to a Christian Science practitioner, who said that I need not leave home; that God was there, just as well as at the seashore. Although I knew practically nothing of Christian Science, I was willing to try it. In less than a week I commenced to sleep like a child and felt happy and free from care. I took in all fifty-five treatments, costing about a tenth of what the medical treatment had done. My health is better than it has been in years. I am completely cured of sleeplessness, the fear of insanity has entirely disappeared, and with my own understanding of Christian Science I am able to meet the slight ailments which present themselves, having taken but four treatments during the past nine months. In the five years previous to my healing through Christian Science, I had been treated ny three specialists for an ear trouble, besides the treatments which I had taken from a number of other physicians.

I feel very grateful to God for revealing this truth to our beloved Leader. It has led me from darkness into God's glorious light.—Little Chapin, Janesville, Wis.

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Testimony of Healing
Seven years ago last May I passed through eight weeks...
April 27, 1907

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