About the middle of May, 1906, I went to Portland, Ore.,...

About the middle of May, 1906, I went to Portland, Ore., afflicted with a complication of diseases of long standing. I was examined by one of the most noted physicians and surgeons in the city, who said that no power on earth could remove these diseases without an operation, and that in my weak state this would be dangerous. It was then I turned to Christian Science. (I may state that on leaving home my wife had asked me, if else failed, to try this treatment.) Through some misunderstanding I was not treated in Portland, but was told to get a copy of Science and Health; which I did, and studied it. About the 12th of June I received a letter from a practitioner in Denver, Col., stating that at my wife's request she had begun treating me on the 8th of June, and I remembered that on that very day, when the pain had seemed almost unendurable, right then a change for the better had come. In two weeks I was a well man, in better health than for thirty-five years. I returned home early in July, and have been gaining strength every day since.

My wife's attention was called to this practitioner in Denver by her having successfully treated a lady in Burns, Ore., who was afflicted with an abnormal growth. I was surprised to notice that I had no desire to smoke, that it required no power or exertion on my part to quit, although I had been an inveterate smoker for forty-five years. I am now sixty. My wife, too, has been healed by Christian Science, and we both find that the healing of the body is only a small portion of the benefits which we are receiving every day from the careful study of the Bible and Science and Health. God bless Mrs. Eddy for pointing the way to salvation and health.—Henry A. Smith, Beulah, Ore.

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March 30, 1907

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