More than one thousand delegates, representing half of the States of the Union, were present when the National Irrigation Congress assembled for its fourteenth annual session in Boise, Idaho, Sept.
reading the story of the temptation in the wilderness, as given in Matthew's Gospel, it is apparent that there were no witnesses to the colloquy between Jesus and Satan, and for this experience to be known it must have been related by Jesus to his disciples.
a recent criticism of Christian Science by a well-known religious writer we were told that we are to "make disease minister to the higher life of the spirit.
identifying ourselves with the Cause of Christian Science, one of the many things that we have to learn is the significance of the question of giving, and that it is largely a question of education.
Thy loving-kindnessIs better far than life;Because my helper Thou hast beenIn many a bitter strife;Because Thy love restrains from pathsWhere sin and fear are rife;In Thee, O True and Tried!"My soul is satisfied.
It is not unusual in these days to read in modern medical magazines discussions on such subjects as "suggestive therapeutics," "faith-healing," "mesmerism," etc.
Any religious teaching which tries to bring heaven to us now; which is teaching us to be thoughtful of others; to bring happiness and to do good; to dispense in our daily lives sunshine and gladness, and to love our neighbor in the way the Master commanded us to do; and which is based absolutely upon the simple and sublime teachings of Jesus Christ, cannot be rightly termed false teaching.
No one who has ever attended a Christian Science church, or come into contact with Christian Scientists, will deny the spiritual quickening taught by Christian Science.
One of the preachers over in Northampton got into a newspaper discussion with the official press representative of the Christian Science denomination, and after the minister had written columns and columns defending his stand, he got mad and practically called the representative of the Scientists a liar and a fool.
following wonderfully appreciative letter is from a clergyman who a few years ago embraced Christian Science, and is now engaged in its healing ministry.
the smallness of the charges made by Christian Science practitioners for work done by them for their patients, there has been more or less assertion and innuendo, by those who do not know the facts, that Christian Scientists are mercenary, and a letter recently published in the New York Sun made this misstatement.
blindness of mortals to their own best interests is nowhere more apparent than in the attempt to make the truth conform to their misconceptions of being and its laws.
who have received copies of the pamphlet mentioned in the following letter, no doubt have noticed that it contains profuse quotations from Science and Health, which is not only a violation of our Church By-laws, but also an infringement of the author's copyright.
members of the Publication Committee are requested to send to the editor of the Sentinel clippings of all their letters and articles which appear in the press, also clippings of other newspaper articles and editorials which mention Christian Science in an interesting way.
During early boyhood, in the spring of 1867, I was taken suddenly with an ailment so alarming that my life was despaired of, but under the care of our family physician in a few weeks I was out and was sent West to a farm owned by an uncle, where I rapidly regained health and strength.
How thankful we should be that at last the truth which is able to set us free from the bondage of the world has been made clear to us, and that we have but to accept the teaching of Christ Jesus as interpreted in Christian Science and obey his commands in order to receive all the promises of the Father,—health, harmony, heaven, here and now.
It is difficult for one who does not understand Christian Science to believe that the reading of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs.
From my early childhood I had been a sufferer from stomach trouble, and as I grew order other maladies appeared, till I was miserable most of the time.
I suffered from indigestion, stomach and rectal trouble, for nearly twenty years, and used nearly every kind of medicine for these ailments, but kept growing worse all the time.
I look forward with joy to the weekly appearing of the Christian Science Sentinel and am glad that we all have the privilege of contributing to its pages.
I shall be very happy if the story of my healing by Christian Science serves the purpose of helping some one else out of trouble as I was helped in my hour of great need.
During the past four years, by the study and application of the teachings of Christian Science, I have been healed of many physical ills and many forms of mental discord have been destroyed.
The picture of The Mother Church and its Extension which The Christian Science Publishing Society now has for sale is a half-tone reproduction, 12x15 inches in size, of a view giving the St.
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