I first heard of Christian Science about twelve years ago

I first heard of Christian Science about twelve years ago. After a fruitless search of years for health, I had my case diagnosed by one of the best physicians in New York City, and when he gave me no hope I went for several summers to a beautiful health resort in the western part of Pennsylvania. The complete change seemed to do me good for a while, but it was not permanent; so as a last resort I went to a sanitarium in New York State. While there a friend told me of Christian Science, and loaned me the first copy of Science and Health I ever saw. I afterwards bought a copy for myself, and read it with the eagerness of a famished soul, for it was the first book I had read, for several years, without suffering. It taught me how to pray, and showed me why my prayers had not been answered before. I saw, even though but faintly, the meaning of our Leader's words, when she says that Jesus' prayers were "deep and conscientious protests of Truth," of man's "unity with Truth and Love" (Science and Health, p. 12); and this healed me. I found that even a little understanding of Truth wonderfully heals, and while I cannot say I have yet gained the victory over all sin, I can say that not a week passes in which I do not have a proof of God's healing power, through His word in Christian Science, over some form of error, either sin or disease.

With my whole heart I thank Mrs. Eddy for her book "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." It is impossible for me to express in words the great benefit it has been to me. Besides the physical healing, it reveals the true law which I now understand will enable me to overcome every form of evil and sin. Human will is revealed in its true light, and as I read in the Lesson-Sermon, I see why we should "sanction only such methods as are demonstrable in Truth, and known by the fruit thereof" (Science and Health, p. 106). Even before I left the sanitarium, and many times since, I have had a great desire to give this book to all who are not satisfied, and especially to those who in my darkest hours lovingly and faithfully tried to help me. Although passionately fond of reading, having read nearly everything I could get my hands on, yet the satisfying, healing truth, for which I had always been reaching out, even in childhood, was never realized until I read Science and Health.

For twelve years I have neither taken drugs nor used any material remedies. Sickness has come to me during that time, and I have passed through deep waters, but with my Bible and Science and Health, the Lesson-Sermons, Journal, and Sentinel, and the patient, faithful help of one of our Leader's loyal students, I have always been able to come through safely, and have had better health, more joy and real happiness than in all my life before. I long to be able to help others as I have been helped, for I understand this to be the truest expression of gratitude.

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Testimony of Healing
In the year 1875 I was badly injured, and my general...
December 29, 1906

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