According to the testimony of the Standard Oil Company's own witnesses, just given in the suit brought by Missouri against the trust for violations of the anti-monopoly laws of the State, Attorney General Herbert S.
years ago, when personal preaching was discontinued in the Church of Christ, Scientist, and the present form of service instituted, it was predicted by some who failed to appreciate the wisdom and foresight of our revered Leader in inaugurating so radical a change, that it would not meet with general favor; but the very opposite of this prediction has proven true.
question is often asked by religious workers, Why is it that people who are faithful church members, and who live as nearly right as they know how, are afflicted with sickness, or financial adversity, or both?
One who has been healed by the evangelical teachings and ministrations of Christian Science desires to say that it has been a great satisfaction to many thinking, conscientious people, by reason of its having opened the spiritual meaning of the Bible, which before had become practically a sealed book, with its divine message to man hidden under clouds of material interpretation.
If it is true, as stated by a critic, that most Christian Scientists "were cured of diseases they did not have, except in imagination," the author of that statement becomes at once involved in a question of veracity with some of the best physicians in the world.
Since it is admitted that Christian Science does heal and since this healing is accomplished on the basis of the unreality of disease, is it not reasonable to expect that sin may be overcome on the same basis?
do not wish to be understood as endorsing the general course or policy of the newspapers from which we quote in the Sentinel, and while we believe that in the main our readers so understand our position it seems proper to make this statement in order that there may be no mistake as to our views and intentions.
is interesting to learn that quite a number of officers of the British army and navy have become Christian Scientists, and the genuineness of their interest in the movement is apparent from the fact that several of them are Readers in the churches.
our readers kindly bear in mind that the work at headquarters is necessarily divided into departments, also that by referring to the advertising pages of the Journal and Sentinel they will be able to ascertain the person or persons to whom their correspondence should be addressed in order to avoid delay.
Gerald H. Walenn
with contributions from Archibald McLellan, Arthur R. Vosburgh, A. L. Hunt, John D. Works, Charles D. Morgan, E. Lois Boucher, Elizabeth A. Rose, Eunice Vary
While ten more or less strongly entrenched religious organizations are carrying on their work in Maryville in a manner which brings them each week with much prominence before the public, a tiny band of men and women is worshiping after the dictates of the consciences of its members, and without effort or wish to attract attention from outsiders, unless those non-attendants by their own expressed wish appear desirous of learning of this society's work and purpose and achievements.
Christian Science gives an understanding of God through which we may eliminate, slowly perhaps, but surely, every element of discord from our lives, but to make those unacquainted with Mrs.
My last illness covered a period of eighteen weeks, during which time I had six physicians, three of whom diagnosed the case as a most serious form of liver trouble, but none gave any encouragement.
We first heard of Christian Science three years ago last February, when my mother, who had suffered intensely for nearly four years, was healed through this blessed truth.
That Christian Science can and does heal all manner of disease, regardless of distance or age, or any other seeming human obstacles, I have had many proofs, not the least among which was the healing of severe injuries resulting from an accident.
The picture of The Mother Church which The Christian Science Publishing Society now has for sale is a half-tone reproduction, 12 x 15 inches in size, of a view giving the St.
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Gerald H. Walenn
with contributions from Archibald McLellan, Arthur R. Vosburgh, A. L. Hunt, John D. Works, Charles D. Morgan, E. Lois Boucher, Elizabeth A. Rose, Eunice Vary