It seems almost impossible to tell what Christian Science...

It seems almost impossible to tell what Christian Science has done for me, for it has done much more than words can express. From childhood I never felt really well, and while in New York City three years ago, I was taken very ill. From that time on I never felt able to walk. I then went to Massachusetts, and a physician there said I would always have such trouble. I went to Cleveland, and there grew so much worse that the doctors decided the only way to save my life was by an operation. After it was performed I was better for a short time, when I had home troubles and my health gave way entirely. I was taken to Akron, O., and every day I felt worse than before, until I far preferred death to life.

On the 29th day of November I met a friend and she asked me why I did not try Christian Science. I smiled to myself at what seemed foolishness, but I went home with her and talked all the afternoon. My mother was anxious that I should try Christian Science, and I went and stayed with the friend who treated me. In one day I was convinced it was the truth, and I clung to it with all my might. I was healed of severe pain in my neck in two days, and in three weeks of my chronic trouble. At first I was apparently worse, but one day, while lying on the bed learning the "scientific statement of being" (Science and Health, p. 468), I realized that I was well and happy; that I had left sickness and sorrow behind and looked toward the future; that I was at peace with the world, and content. I started to work in an office on the 1st of January, and have never been absent a day from my work. I am grateful to all for the patience shown me in bringing to me this truth, grateful to Mrs. Eddy for the years she has spent in working for humanity, and thankful to God for showing me that divine Love is ever willing to protect and care for us, though the whole world forsake us.

Jessie E. Whiting, Akron, O.

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Testimony of Healing
From January, 1879, to June, 1880, I was confined to...
December 15, 1906

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