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I wish to acknowledge the great benefits I have received...
I wish to acknowledge the great benefits I have received during the last three years through the study and help received from Christian Science. From childbood I was a great sufferer from stomach trouble and female weakness, beginning at the time of our arrival in Manitoba from England. I tried in many ways to get relief, through medicine and other remedies, but received no help from any of these. I remained in this condition for years, getting better at times, then as bad as ever. At last I became so discouraged that I felt I could not keep up any longer, so decided to consult a noted doctor. The one I called upon said that an operation was necessary, and further advised a return to a milder climate. I submitted to the operation, and upon leaving the hospital I followed the doctor's advice and went to England, but suffered more than ever. I remained in England for two years, but did not fully recover from the operation or get any relief from the climate.
Leaving England, I came to Vancouver, British Columbia. My condition remained as bad as ever. About two years after arriving here, Christian Science was mentioned to me. I did not take any notice of it at first, but finally decided to call upon a practitioner, who kindly loaned me a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." I began to study, and it appealed to me from the very first, yet I had great fear to overcome on account of relatives and friends, who were opposed to Science at that time, and persuaded me to return the book to the practitioner. To please them I did so, but had a most helpful talk, as a result of which I took with me a Journal to read, resolving this time to seek, with earnest prayer, to be led to do that which was right. Truth was leading me. I again went and got that little book, and this time kept it to myself, reading it night after night, and turning to God alone for guidance. The answer came, and I shall never forget that day. I had suffered from ingrowing toenails for years, and at this time I found to my great surprise that they were healed and perfectly painless. Such peace came to me as no words could express; the whole room seemed illuminated with a holy presence. I knew then that God had thus revealed to me that Christian Science is the truth. My heart was full of gratitude and love to God for the blessing I had received. It seemed hard to me at the time that my dear mother, sister, and friends could not see as I did, but I am glad to say that they are with me now in Christian Science. On Feb. 6, 1902, I made a firm resolve that never again would I trust to material remedies, that God alone was my healer. I threw away all I possessed in the way of medicine and have never needed any since. I began to attend the services, and also received treatment from a practitioner, who most lovingly and patiently helped me through many struggles during the months that followed. My side was perfectly healed, and the fear of eating certain kinds of food completely overcome. My complete healing came slowly but surely, and to-day I am a living witness to the power of Truth, after having proved that drugs and change of climate are of no avail.
Although I feel grateful for the physical healing, I am still more grateful for the spiritual understanding gained from studying the Christian Science text-book, which is teaching me how to be better day by day, and through which the Bible has become so much clearer to me that more and more I love to read it. I must not forget to mention the gratitude and love I feel towards our dear Leader, Mrs. Eddy, and it is my desire to try to live this gratitude day by day.
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December 15, 1906 issue
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People generally believe that death is the gateway to...
George Shaw Cook
The physical healing in Christian Science results from...
R. Stanhope Easterday
Christian Scientists stand unequivocally upon the Scriptures...
John L. Rendall
with contributions from Frank W. Gale
with contributions from J. G. Heugh, H. W. Breckenridge, Howard D. Kenyon, J. C. Dickson, W. S. Copeland
Carrie Harvey Snider with contributions from Florence Whiteside
Annie M. Knott
with contributions from William P. McKenzie, Samuel Greenwood, Gallie W. Human, Charles H. Gibbs, Louise S. R. King, Dora J. Stanton, Blanche Virginia Wilson, Violetta M. Doane, Lucretia Annie Veazey
My first serious acquaintance with materia medica began...
Charles A. Hedenstrom
I have found the God I long sought for
R. W. Foster
It seems almost impossible to tell what Christian Science...
Jessie E. Whiting
From January, 1879, to June, 1880, I was confined to...
Elizabeth Crosby
I wish to acknowledge the great benefits I have received...
Alice May Southon
Prior to my healing through Christian Science I had...
Mary J. O'Neill
My gratitude for Christian Science is beyond all words
Ida Lindstadt
Eleven years ago I suffered an injury in my side from...
Edward Lindstadt
I wish to express my love and gratitude for the many...
Emma Humphreys
I am exceedingly glad to have all the world know that...
Harriet M. Bray
In the year 1888 I was suffering from a stomach and...
Caroline P. Calohan
About two years ago Christian Science was brought to...
Martha Bamberger
All that I have and all I am I owe to Christian Science
Sallie Dunning
with contributions from Samuel Gilbert Ayers