Only the few yet realize that there is no occasion or excuse, provided the legitimate provisions of the first Hague Conference are fairly put into operation, for any more wars among civilized nations.
A high
dignitary in one of our orthodox churches, a broad-minded, generous-hearted gentleman, remarked the other day that he had read carefully "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs.
A golden
sunbeam dawns upon my path;A glorious ray, like tender morning light,Awaking life and peace within, without;I fain would hold it, lest it take its flight.
People generally believe that death is the gateway to immortality, but Christian Science teaches that immortality is attained not through dying, but by gaining an understanding of God as the life of man.
If there is nothing vital and sustaining in the new doctrine; if it is indeed fraudulent, deceptive, and mercenary, it will eventually pass away to be numbered with the million religions that have arisen, flourished for a brief space, and finally dropped into oblivion.
Your issue of late date contained a discussion that appeared in an insurance magazine of the desirability of Christian Scientists as life insurance risks, the basis of the question being that they do not employ drugs or medical attendance in case of illness.
Christian Scientists stand unequivocally upon the Scriptures and affirm without fear of successful contradiction that the religion of Jesus Christ as practised by him and by his disciples included Christian healing as a vital and fundamental part of its practical demonstration.
The words of our hymn, "Thou leadest me by unsought ways, and turn'st my mourning into praise," were indeed deeply impressed upon me this Thanksgiving morning.
The picture of The Mother Church and its Extension which The Christian Science Publishing Society now has for sale is a half-tone reproduction, 12 x 15 inches in size, of a view giving the St.
with contributions from William P. McKenzie, Samuel Greenwood, Gallie W. Human, Charles H. Gibbs, Louise S. R. King, Dora J. Stanton, Blanche Virginia Wilson, Violetta M. Doane, Lucretia Annie Veazey
From January, 1879, to June, 1880, I was confined to my bed with throat and lung trouble, which was pronounced incurable by two physicians; but having changed my location I was restored to partial health, although I continued to manifest an abnormal condition of the chest and had terrible headaches.
In grateful acknowledgment of the blessings that have come into my life during the past five years, through the health-giving power of Christian Science, I feel impelled to write of some of the trials which preceded its acceptance.
In the year 1888 I was suffering from a stomach and bowel trouble, for which my physician said there was no known cure, and opiates were administered whenever the pain became unbearable.
About two years ago Christian Science was brought to our home by a dear relative, who gave us some literature that helped us to understand a little of the truth.
Peaceful as lapping of waves on the lee,Christ-Truth now safely guides over the sea,Quelling the turbulent senses of ill,Calming the waters with his "Peace, be still.
One danger attending the conception of a morally bankrupt world is that the churches are led to attach too little importance to what the world thinks about their doings.
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with contributions from William P. McKenzie, Samuel Greenwood, Gallie W. Human, Charles H. Gibbs, Louise S. R. King, Dora J. Stanton, Blanche Virginia Wilson, Violetta M. Doane, Lucretia Annie Veazey