Before coming into the knowledge of Christian Science...

Before coming into the knowledge of Christian Science, I found that the time spent on the street car four times a day did me more harm than good. If I was worried or in a hurry, as was usually the case, I would arrive at my destination actually tired from the nervous strain and often car-sick. Now it is far different. I joyfully look forward to the twenty-minute ride as moments of rest, and as an opportunity for reading the Sentinel and Journal. In fact it is the only time I have to read them, as I am employed during the day and the Lesson-Sermon and the daily portion of the Bible and Science and Health which I have laid out for myself evenings, consume all the time I have been able to set aside for reading. When I find myself on the car without my helpful reading matter, I bring from the storehouse of memory some of the beautiful truths I have read, and thus dwelling "in atmosphere of love divine," I am daily learning how to enjoy my birthright of freedom, health, and happiness.

To say that I am grateful is not sufficient. I realize that Christian Scientists must prove their gratitude by their actions, so I am endeavoring to be more useful and helpful, and to reflect more love each day.

Lois E. Boucher, Los Angeles, Cal.

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November 25, 1905

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