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A short time before Christmas I had a very peculiar experience...
A short time before Christmas I had a very peculiar experience. At that time I was living alone over a store and had gone down on a lower roof to empty a large boiler of water which was resting on a jar. I attempted to slip the jar out and let the boiler down gradually to the roof, but instead it slipped of the jar with a quick jerk, throwing the whole weight suddenly oil my arms and back, and I. being under the stairway and bent over to one side, could not stop it. As the sudden strain came, something in my back gave way. and everything became black before me. As I felt myself falling. I grasped at the stairs and declared the truth. As I did so. I was able to get out from under the stairs the platform and cling to a post. By this time I had grown very faint, but I declared over and over that God was my strength, and I finally got up the seven steps to the platform above and walked the entire length of that hundred-foot building to my rooms. I then sent for our First Reader, and as soon as he began treating me I was able to lean back in my chair. He worked for me twenty or thirty minutes and I was by that time much better. This was at nine o'clock Tuesday morning, and after he left I took my books and went over the Lesson-Sermon. I then had such a realization of the omniscience and omnipotence of God that in two hours alter the accident I was able to walk nearly three blocks to the post-office. When I came home it seemed as if I could never get up that long flight of steps, but I realized that Mind, not matter, lifts the body, and governs it; then I walked up those stairs as though there had been no accident. It was midnight before I was able to retire that night, for there was a fear that if I were to lie down I might not be able to get up again, but I overcame it all and went to bed, sleeping until morning. On walking, how grateful I was to God, —how thankful that He took care of me. I was able to carry water and coal up the stairs, and did all my housework. Wednesday morning, when I had finished going over the Lesson, I leaned forward to rest my head on the table, and as I did so I felt something snap as the bones in my back slipped into place again.
My heart goes out with love and gratitude to God, and to our beloved Leader, who has given to the world this blessed truth which makes free. I am thankful for all Mrs. Eddy's works, for the Sentinel, the Journal, and Quarterly.—Mrs. Jeannette E. Spurck, Winfield, Kan.
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November 25, 1905 issue
View Issue-
The Perennial Bloom of Truth
Thankful for Gratitude
Our Warfare
Trusting in God
The Mission of Our Sermons
E. P. F.
The Light and not the Glass
God Revealed to Man
It is related that the scribes and Pharisees once said to...
Charles K. Skinner
Isaac Newton recognized a need for the law of gravitation...
Willard S. Mattox
The mere fact that healing is accomplished through...
John L. Rendall
Christian Science emphatically and consistently maintains...
David B. Ogden
The Lectures
with contributions from Willis S. Duniway, Guy H. Corliss, Luman A. Field, Aaron Chadwick
Mrs. Eddy Aids Church of Her Youth
Editor with contributions from Mary Baker Eddy
William Hammersley with contributions from Mary Baker G. Eddy
The Building Fund
Archibald McLellan
The Moral Factor
Annie M. Knott
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from O. H. Bragg, Clarence C. Eaton, Eldora O. Gragg, Louis N. Bennett, Martha J. Pollard
The first benefit I received from Christian Science was...
Margaret Kephart
I desire to make a public acknowledgment of the benefits...
Ellen S. Beall
When I reached the St. Louis Exposition, in May, 1904...
Alice Jacobsen
An early experience lingers in thought as a beacon-light...
Addie T. Arnold
Before coming into the knowledge of Christian Science...
Lois E. Boucher
A short time before Christmas I had a very peculiar experience...
Jeannette E. Spurck
Fourteen years ago I was healed of what the doctors...
Lola Messacar
I wish to express my gratitude to God, and to our Leader...
George W. Niccum
It is five years since I began the study of Christian Science...
Jasper L. Vaughan
I began reading Science and Health a little over three...
W. M. Goodbody
I have been reading Science and Health for five or six...
Mary S. Burks with contributions from Hadley
From our Exchanges
with contributions from W. Hanson Pulsford, Thomas C. Straus, William De Witt Hyde, Washington Gladden
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase