Now that Christian Scientists from over the world have again had the great pleasure and privilege of attending the services and meetings in Boston during the Communion season, what have they gathered from them?
I pray you with all earnestness to prove, and know within your hearts, that all things lovely and righteous are possible for those who believe in their possibility, and who determine that for their part they will make every day's work contribute to them.
those beloved students whose growth is taking in the Ten Commandments and scaling the steep ascent of Christ's Sermon on the Mount, accept profound thanks for their swift messages of rejoicing over the Twentieth Century Church Manual?
the past few weeks some daily newspapers have had considerable to say about the new edition of the Church Manual, and through them an effort has been made to convey the impression that radical changes have taken place in the internal economy of the Christian Science denomination.
If I were to tell you all that has come to me through Christian Science it would take many pages, but I would like to relate one experience which shows conclusively the working of Truth and Love in an impersonal way.
Four years ago, I had nervous prostration, and then the grip; this left me with chronic nasal catarrh, which went to my stomach and caused nervous ulceration and severe constipation.
So many blessings have come to me, during the late Communion season, that in return I send a few testimonies of what Truth can do in the way of healing sickness and sin.
I was a physical wreck, had taken medicine until it had but little effect on me, yet I thought I could not live without it, since I had no other God to which I could go as a "very present help" in sickness.
I was led to Christian Science by one who, on three occasions, in reply to my expressed wishes to be rid of my physical ailments, suggested that I try Christian Science.
It is to "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" that I owe all the peace, happiness, and harmony realized by me during the past five years, and in that interval, I have also learned to love and study the Bible as never before.
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