the foregoing lines, Shakespeare, that great anlyzer of human weaknesses, has indicated that in his opinion a trouble of the mind is beyond the reach of material aid, and when one sees how successful Christian Science treatment is in ministering to minds diseased, one can but compare the different methods that are employed in healing.
we study Christian Science we learn that our real condition is harmonious, that in reality there is nothing to worry over, that God's creation reflects only love, peace, and happiness, and that we ourselves are a part of that one harmony.
As I look back over the past I feel constrained to express publicly my heartfelt gratitude to God and to those through whom Life, Truth, and Love have been revealed to me.
Time to do well ; time to live better; Give up grudge, answer that letter; Speak that kind word to sweeten a sorrow, Do that good deed you would leave till to-morrow.
following published extract from a sermon by President Angell at the University of Michigan, so emphasizes the need for prayer, and places it upon so true and rational a basis as to command more than passing notice.
spite of the tendency towards the pursuit of material knowledge, evinced by most of the writers on the subject of evolution, the ethical element is ever seeking notice from those who really desire to find something which will prove that Mind underlies the processes of nature.
following are the appointments of the year beginning June 29, 1903, on the Christian Science Board of Lectureship of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass.
the children who love to know of children's work in the Field, I want to say that about four years ago my three-year-old son was very ill with the grip, and as I had been studying Christian Science only a few months, I felt that I was rather an incompetent practitioner; but as I had no help in the house, no telephone, and my husband was away, I decided to my best without asking for outside help, since I knew that God does the work.
I was injured by a fall when about two years old resulting in hip-disease, from which I suffered almost constantly until Christian Science released me, a little over two years ago.
About three years ago I was having some bridge work done at my dentist's and one afternoon when he was preparing the teeth for the bridge he noticed the projections of the roots of an old tooth which had gradually decayed until these only remained.
Since accepting the guidance of divine Love, the new-old truth that makes free, the peace be still to weary, troubled hearts, joy and peace have had an abiding-place in my consciousness, also a longing for other to turn from the husks of materiality to life in God, and share in the song of rejoicing.
A few days ago, an attack of inherited valvular heart-failure came over me, also the temptation, "Go look in the mirror, and see if your lips are turning blue.
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