Postmaster General Payne, in his estimates for appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1905, calls for an aggregate of $168,085,770 for the postal service and $1,511,050 for the Post Office Department proper at Washington.
studying the Lesson on Love, for Communion Sunday in the Mother Church, I could but feel that a pulsation from the great heart of Love had reached us in our Wednesday evening meeting of June tenth, before it took form through font and press in the Lesson-Sermon.
large and steady increase in the ranks of Christian Scientists has been for years a subject of comment, and there is always more or less question on the part of the general public as to why this gain in numbers should continue.
we realize with what momentum the twentieth century has vaulted into history, we can but expect that it will bring us many and great surprises, and yet it is quite natural that we should be somewhat startled on reading that a Christian minister, a representative of him who said," "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also," has publicly advocated before a late meeting of the New York State Medical Association, that in the case of suffering incurables the civilized and Christian thing to do, in this enlightened age, is to grant them the privilege of a painless death!
As we scan the daily papers or read the magazine articles which deal with topics that concern all, we cannot help being saddened by the seeming hopelessness of many of the problems of human existence, and the utter inadequacy of ordinary means for the amelioration of prevailing sin and misery.
Whenever I read the testimonies given in our periodicals, I feel a sense of shame that I have permitted so many years to pass, while I have remained silent as to the great good that came into my experience at the time Christian Science was brought to my notice.
Ten years ago Christian Science found me at the point of despair, due to the constant pain and intense stubbornness of what doctors called inflammatory rheumatism, and many other ailments.
I have always thought that when I was entirely healed I would send in my testimony but I think now I ought not to wait, as I have been benefited in so many ways since coming to Christian Science.
I should like to give a proof of our Father's loving care for His children which came to me recently, with the hope that it may help some other mother who, like myself, is obliged to fill the place of both father and mother, and may at times find the problems of this life perplexing and discouraging.
Many are the blessings which Christian Science has brought to me, and I feel I have been very ungrateful and unappreciative not to have spoken of them before this o seekers after Truth.
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