
As I thought. What does crucifixion mean to me? it was unfolded this way:—

It is not the crucifixion of the body, but the crucifixion of the mortal, of all things pertaining to the flesh, all evils, such as hatred, envy, pride, jealousy, malice, lust, sensuality, passions, false appetites, untruthfulness, deceit, conceit, etc. When we thus free ourselves from evil, we gain the consciousness of Good.

I saw more than ever the need for each individual to work out his salvation; and I saw, too, that we ought not to complain because of the trials, for they only compel us to open our eyes to the Good, and take a step higher. My daily prayer is to overcome all that is unlike Christ, to have that Mind which was in Christ Jesus, the Mind that knows good only.

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Words of Thankfulness
October 31, 1901

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