The Simplicity of God's Healing Law

A child can heal. Uncluttered, trusting, childlike thought senses the presence and power of divine Love, believes that good is real, and readily discards evil as unreal. Healing results because God's law expresses God's own nature as All, and as good. Thought that recognizes and expresses the truth of God's allness and goodness has its source in the divine Mind, and it has the power of God's law. It heals.

The fact that simple childlike thought can heal does not mean that it is useless to study the letter of God's law as it has come to us through the Bible and through Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. But it does hint strongly that the purpose of such study is to preserve the simplicity of thought rather than to build a complicated structure of meanings and methods that are difficult to understand.

Materialistic belief, called mortal mind, is complex. Moreover, it is deceptive. In many ways this false mind poses as our own, and unless we are alert to it, we find ourselves accepting its thoughts as our thoughts. The growing child becomes educated in the ways of material sense, and he needs to be educated in the law of Spirit, God, in order to maintain or regain his original, pure, simple trust in good. But to be clear, education in the things of Spirit need not be complicated. One does not have to find secret meanings in statements of truth in order to understand them.

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Love for Loving
June 23, 1973

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