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Dependence on God's Impartial Love
We are all familiar, I'm sure, with the Bible declaration, "God is love." I John 4:16; But are we all aware of its deep implications? Do we all realize that divine Love is infinite, ever present, and constant in bestowing its own inexhaustible bliss? Do we know that Love is unchanging, ever-active good?
As one learns more of God as Love, there comes a wonderful feeling not only of Love's nearness and immediacy but of God's most tender cherishing of all His children, of God's perfect direction and sustenance of universal being. In the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health, Mary Baker Eddy assures us that "Love is impartial and universal in its adaptation and bestowals." Science and Health, p. 13;
Many people, young and old alike, feel left out, brushed aside, ignored, forgotten. They look around and see others being loved, being needed, being happy—but not themselves. Thinking that the love they yearn for must originate in another person, they may set themselves requirements of a "who" and a "how" and a "when." Then, if happiness is not forthcoming, self-pity and disappointment set in. Depending on a person to fulfill the need for love can be very unsatisfying. The primary dependence needs to be on God, the source of all good for all men.
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January 13, 1973 issue
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The Sky—and Beyond
A Grasp on the Infinite
Solving Your Unemployment Problem
Estrangement Can Be Healed
Dependence on God's Impartial Love
Sharon Lloyd Spence
Love Is Life
Charlotte Hertzberg Karbiner
Immunization and the Christian Scientist
Alan A. Aylwin
Spiritual Understanding Cuts Red Tape
Naomi Price
It was through our mother's instantaneous healing of a severe...
Hazel H. Struve
I would like to add my voice to the hymn of praise of those...
Mary Imrie with contributions from Gordon MacDonald Imrie
Our family has had many blessings through the study and...
Albert E. Linnig
Christian Scientists have much—many things—for which to be...
Ethel Marie Mander
I am very grateful for Christian Science, and have often wondered...
Richard C. Osmundson with contributions from Dorothy Ann Greenwell Osmundson
I became a member of The Mother Church two years ago
William Dean Bowden