Every year for many years it has been our pleasure to vacation at...

Every year for many years it has been our pleasure to vacation at a lake in the northern part of our state. A few years ago, while at this resort, my husband and I had a hallowed experience that convinced us of God's ever-presence and loving protection.

Each evening it was my husband's custom to go fishing for several hours, and during his absence it was my habit to read and study the writings of Mrs. Eddy. This particular evening about nine o'clock I heard a most anguished cry from the lake to send aid out immediately. As I learned later, my husband had blacked out, falling out of the boat, which capsized. When I heard the cry for help, I commenced to know the truth of man in God's image and that "accidents are unknown to God." Mrs. Eddy says (Science and Health, p. 424), "Accidents are unknown to God, or immortal Mind, and we must leave the mortal basis of belief and unite with the one Mind, in order to change the notion of chance to the proper sense of God's unerring direction and thus bring out harmony." I declared aloud that God in all His power and love was right where there was need for help.

In a few minutes there was a rap on the cottage door. The caretaker asked me to come to the lakeshore to identify my husband. As I went out the door, an idea in an article I had been reading in The Christian Science Journal came to me and strengthened me. I recall thinking, "If I panic now, it will mean that I do not believe that God is ever present and all power." As I knelt beside my husband, I talked to him aloud, telling him that God was the only Life and that he, as His beloved child, was expressing that Life right then.

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The Bible Speaks to You
RADIO PROGRAM NO. 323 - Where Does Good Government Start?
June 15, 1968

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