Signs of the Times

Independent Star-News

Brig. Gen. David Sarnoff, USA (Ret.) Chairman, Radio Corp of America in a syndicated article published in Independent Star-News Pasadena, California

The electron was discovered shortly before the turn of the century. ... At age 15 I was drawn into the newly emerging art, science and industry of radio, where I have found active occupation ever since. Thus, ... the electron has been my constant— and constantly challenging—companion.... The electron has become the most versatile instrument ever placed in the hands of man, and the uses of this atomic subparticle, the smallest bit of matter known to nature, have barely begun to be explored....

It would be untrue to deny a deep sense of pride in man's accomplishments and the vaulting progress of his sciences. Nevertheless, there also is a feeling of awe and humbleness, springing from a lifetime's association with science, at the awareness of powers beyond the capacities of mind and science even to comprehend.

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July 2, 1966

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