For a long time my wife and I...

For a long time my wife and I had searched for a satisfying religion. Then one Wednesday evening we were led to visit The Mother Church. We were very much impressed by the service, and both of us agreed that the testimonies were given with true sincerity and love for Christian Science. Each person mentioned Mrs. Eddy and her book Science and Health in such a manner as to command respect for this textbook and its author.

After leaving the church that evening, I went to the Reading Room and purchased a copy of Science and Health.

At that time social drinking had quite a hold on me and I enjoyed a good cigar. That first night when I settled down at home to read the book, I had a cigar in one hand and a glass of wine within reach. I soon discovered that this was no ordinary book on metaphysics. It required a lot of study. I became absorbed in its style and its truths. It held my attention completely. When, hours later, I put the book down, I had not finished smoking the cigar, nor had I touched the wine; and I have had no desire for either since.

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Testimony of Healing
I am grateful that my parents...
February 27, 1960

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