[Original in German]

It was a very sad day for me...

It was a very sad day for me over thirty years ago when I was called to go to the sickbed of my beloved father. As soon as I arrived, my sister told me that members of the family had in the meantime asked for Christian Science treatment after several doctors had declared the case hopeless. Although my father had lived more than fourscore years, he gained in strength every day and soon was well again and could take walks of several hours at a time.

We were all filled with deep gratitude for the great truth that had helped him, and I at once got a copy of the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, for myself. After that I frequently found that the reading alone of these sacred pages brought healing.

However, many years later, at a time when I experienced great tribulation, which I could not overcome alone, I was compelled to ask for help from the Christian Science practitioner who had aided my father. My stomach rejected all food, and I was often in pain.

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Testimony of Healing
I wish to express gratitude for...
November 7, 1959

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