this machine age the wheel has become an important symbol, and our ability to keep the many wheels of our affairs turning often seems to be the gauge of our activity.
in the world today are seeking satisfaction—a more satisfying job, perhaps, a satisfactory home, companionship, or income, a more satisfying way of life.
gardener knows the importance of weeding his garden regularly so that the weeds will not choke the tender plants from which he expects to derive pleasure and fruitage.
Studies in recent months in the United States and the various other countries concerned have indicated clearly that the essential purpose for which The Christian Science Monitor Youth Forums and Junior Forums and their Headquarters Secretary's office in Boston were established has been accomplished.
The following periodicals were founded by Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, and are published by The Christian Science Publishing Society, One Norway Street, Boston 15, Massachusetts, U.
"We cannot deny that Life is self-sustained, and we should never deny the everlasting harmony of Soul, simply because, to the mortal senses, there is seeming discord.
A written testimony from me is long overdue, and I should now like to express my gratitude to God for Christ Jesus, our Way-shower, and for Mary Baker Eddy, our revered Leader.
With a heart filled with gratitude, I am submitting this long-delayed testimony and should like to relate a few of the many healings and blessings I have experienced.
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