I wish to tell of a healing that...

I wish to tell of a healing that resulted from the childlike trust of our youngest daughter when she was six years old. One summer afternoon a playmate called to her from our front yard. She ran through the house in great haste. In the living room she turned her ankle and fell. I carried her to the davenport and succeeded in removing her sandal from the rapidly swelling foot.

She kept crying, "Call the lady, call the lady," meaning the Christian Science practitioner who had visited us a few times. I dialed the number, but the practitioner was away. Her sister answered, and we conversed for a few moments. Suddenly I was aware that the child's crying had ceased, and as I hung up the telephone I heard the screen door slam. Looking out I saw our daughter running and jumping as usual.

Later I asked what she had thought about and was told, "Well, when Mary Baker Eddy read about Jesus saying to a man, 'Arise, and walk' (Matt. 9:5), she got up and was better. I thought of that and got up too." This little girl had attended a Christian Science Sunday School, where she had heard the story of Mrs. Eddy's healing, to which she referred. No further difficulty with the ankle was experienced.

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Testimony of Healing
After many years of blessings...
September 25, 1954

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