In "No and Yes" Mary Baker Eddy writes (p. 45), "This, is woman's hour, with all its sweet amenities and its moral and religious reforms." The truth of this statement grows clearer day by day The hour has struck when the influence of true womanhood is essential if chaos and destruction are to be averted.

For nearly a century women have taken a prominent part in public affairs. The last fifty years have been especially enriched by the work of women. They have notably shone in religious, social, and temperance reforms. Their counsel has been increasingly sought, and their experience valued. Why and how has this change come about? Surely the answer is that the age requires it. A new concept of woman was essential to stem the tides of evil, and Christian Science has revealed the true concept.

When The Mother Church was dedicated in 1895, many newspapers published articles recording the event. Among them was a beautiful tribute in The New Century, Boston, entitled "One Point of View—The New Woman." In this article (recorded in "Pulpit and Press" by Mrs. Eddy, pp. 81— 84) the writer endeavored to describe the new woman to whom, in his opinion. The Mother Church bears witness. He wrote: "'The time of times' is near when 'the new woman' shall subdue the whole earth with the weapons of peace. Then shall wrong be robbed of her bitterness and ingratitude of her sting, revenge shall clasp hands with pity, and love shall dwell in the tents of hate; while side by side, equal partners in all that is worth living for, shall stand the new man with the new woman."

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June 24, 1950

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