of life! The Bible promises it and the world longs for it! The picturesque figure of the old Spanish explorer Ponce de Leon, who thought to find the fountain of perpetual youth on the shores of the New World, is symbolic of humanity's endless search —a search which has not been satisfied because it has been wrongly directed.
to love! God's heritage for man,Achieved through no great virtue of his own,But his by virtue of his being God's—His image, His reflection, His loved son.
certainty of human salvation lies in the fact that spiritual ideas, permanent and perfect, are present in the immediate consciousness of every individual here and now.
The following periodicals were founded by Mary Baker Eddy and are published by The Christian Science Publishing Society, One, Norway Street, Boston 15, Massachusetts, U.
The Tenets of The Mother Church are copyrighted, and for this reason branch churches and societies are not permitted to print them or to have them printed.
In the chapter on Fruitage in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy there is a testimony which was always a favorite of mine when I was a child.
When I realize that I have been interested in Christian Science for many years and have not expressed my gratitude through a testimony in one of the periodicals, I cannot help recalling the ten lepers who were cleansed, only one of whom returned to give God thanks.
When I first attended a Christian Science testimony meeting about thirteen years ago, at the invitation of a friend, I had not worked for about twelve months, owing to chronic appendicitis.
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