Gratitude to God for the joyousness...

Gratitude to God for the joyousness and peace of mind which have been mine since I began the study of Christian Science impels me to express my thanks through the periodicals. I began to study our textbook, Science and Health by our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, after living in a very happy home where Science was lived and practiced. Previous to this I was quite an invalid, although even in those days I could not accept this verdict, saying to my doctors that I was convinced that a loving God would never condemn His children to a life of inaction and frustration.

I have been entirely healed through the understanding of God and man in His image and likeness, as revealed to us by our beloved Leader; my days are filled with joyful expectancy of good, and I am deeply grateful for membership in The Mother Church and in a branch church, thus having the privilege of taking part in the activities of the Christian Science movement. The blessing of class instruction has been the greatest event in my life.

I am indeed grateful to God for our dear Leader, who provided all the channels through which this healing truth is reaching humanity.—(Miss) Florence E. Hutchins, Tankerton, Kent, England.

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Testimony of Healing
"Bring ye all the tithes into the...
October 14, 1950

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