Healing experienced after reading Sentinels

With much gratitude I submit...

With much gratitude I submit this testimony of my first healing in Christian Science, which took place in 1914. After a childhood of poor health, I became afflicted early in my teens with a nervous disease and stomach trouble which I had been taught were inherited. From that time on I was under medical care. I was enrolled in gymnasium classes to improve my health, and while attending one of these I fell from a swinging apparatus and sustained internal injuries, which the doctors were unable to fully diagnose or relieve.

After three years of semi-invalidism, I became bedridden. Because it was not expected that I would remain on this earth for long, I began to think a great deal about the hereafter, as I had been taught that I would appear before God for judgment after death. This really was a desire to know more about God, and it was answered by a copy of the Sentinel which came in the mail from the literature distribution committee of the Church of Christ, Scientist, in the city in which I then lived. The first article bore the title,

"God Is Love." What comforting thoughts it brought to me: it began to show me that I did not have to die to know God. I had never known any Christian Scientists or anything about their religion except what I had learned from a few references to it in the newspapers. Several months later I learned that an old schoolmate, whom I had not seen for two years, had been healed in Christian Science and had given my name to the distribution committee. She was wholly unaware that I had become an invalid.

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Signs of the Times
April 30, 1949

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