the warfare that appears to go on between good and evil the close observer notes that the former seems to have to be on the defensive much of the time, and that quite often evil boasts itself to be the stronger.
me pause here beside this open doorWhile gratitude floods swiftly through my heart:This is the little room that welcomed her,This the still place in which her thoughts found strength—A humble spot, a tiny "closet"—whereThat one whose heart went out to all mankindCould ponder God's dear love and tender care.
The Mother Church Wartime Fund is being drawn upon more and more heavily as the Christian Science Camp Welfare Activities increase with the development of the war effort.
Services, sponsored by First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Merced, California, are being held in Yosemite National Park in the Church Bowl every Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock and Wednesday evening at 7.
It has been my privilege to testify on numerous occasions at Wednesday evening meetings to the healing efficacy of Christian Science in the overcoming of physical difficulties, business problems, the regeneration of character, and the overcoming of obnoxious habits, as well as in providing protection, inspiration, and clear instances of divine guidance.
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