of large business organizations, when selecting college graduates for enrollment with their staffs are making foremost demands for young persons with records of loyalty, poise, perseverance, and a sense of responsibility, whereas formerly more emphasis was put on employing those possessing outstanding talents and sports records.
a world seemingly besieged by the forces of evil, expressed in armed conflicts, appearing to deprive so many nations and peoples of freedom, how reassuring are the words of Mary Baker Eddy, found on <a class="tome-reference"
for the prosperity of our country, and for her victory under arms; that justice, mercy, and peace continue to characterize her government, and that they shall rule all nations.
proof of God's care does not lie in the mere possession of human ease, physical health, and prosperity, though mortal mind would fain have us so believe.
An Item of Interest which appeared in the Christian Science Sentinel of February 5, 1938, on the subject of benedictions appears to have been misconstrued by the officers or members of some Christian Science churches.
The teacher of a class of twelve-year-old girls worked out a problem which involved ignorance, frivolity, indifference, and frequent periods of absence from class.
It is now over thirty years since the testimony of my healing in Christian Science was published in the Christian Science Sentinel, and it is a great pleasure to be able to say that the healing then narrated, of a so-called incurable disease for which I was invalided out of the British Navy, has been maintained.
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