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"Forget self in laboring for mankind"
There is perhaps nothing in human experience that suggests more unhappiness than the feeling that one is a stranger, alone, without a home or home ties. Not having the right concept of home, many have become discouraged and perplexed, searching in vain along the barren ways of material existence for a satisfying environment. Is it not here that Christian Science has found countless thousands of us? Have we not followed some alluring thought until we have found our hopes defeated, our wanderings fruitless? In "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" Mary Baker Eddy has written (p. 322): "The sharp experiences of belief in the supposititious life of matter, as well as our disappointments and ceaseless woes, turn us like tired children to the arms of divine Love. Then we begin to learn Life in divine Science."
To all who are depressed by the confusing testimony of the material senses, Christian Science brings a comforting message of hope and healing. It reveals the great truths of being which liberate from sin, disease, and discord, and by its simple, direct, and demonstrable teaching brings surcease from human sorrows. This purely spiritual religion, when understood, awakens thought from the belief of creation as material to an understanding that creation is spiritual. The Bible declares, "In him we live, and move, and have our being;" hence we find our real home to be in spiritual consciousness, perfect, eternal, and immune from invasion by any strange thoughts.
Christian Science makes clear the teaching of the Bible concerning the true nature of man, created in the image and likeness of God. It is imperative, if we are to make progress spiritually, to recognize man as God's reflection or expression, and to reject the belief that man is mortal or material. We must refuse to accept suggestions that would magnify human mistakes, and we must keep uppermost in thought those qualities which by reflection constitute the man of God's creating. As students of Christian Science are thus alert, and live what they learn, others will recognize these spiritual qualities and will be inspired to seek Truth.
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January 25, 1941 issue
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Where Are We Looking?
"Forget self in laboring for mankind"
"Voices Not Our Own"
Relinquishing the Human Concept
A Spiritual Experience
A Christian Science program was conducted from Station...
Norman E. John
Glorifying God
George Shaw Cook
Healing Unemployment and Employment
Alfred Pittman
A Reminder
The Lectures
with contributions from Anna S. Mangold, Teresa C. Ferguson, Muriel G. Cannon, Anne Reese Roberts
Christian Science came to my attention through the healing...
Julia A. Temple
About twenty years ago, a testimony was published...
Sarah Eleanor Paine
Early in 1934, after a consultation of many doctors, it...
Edward H. Danks
As a child I attended the Christian Science Sunday School...
Anna Marie Grisham
My deep gratitude to God and to Mary Baker Eddy for...
Mason Henry Rogers
I wish to express my deep gratitude for having been led...
Jenny Dickinson with contributions from Clara Dickinoson
"No night there"
Signs of the Times
with contributions from J. L. Newland, A Correspondent, Earl L. Douglass, Charles A. Platt, Jason Noble Pierce, Howell Williams, J. G. Meyer, Calvin C. Rittenhouse, Fred A. Line