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"No corrupt communication"
PAUL wrote to the Ephesians, "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good." Surely conversation about sin and disease does not come under the head of "good." If mankind would ever know freedom from the woes that follow in the wake of "corrupt communication," it must be more holy in its manner of conversation. For health and happiness cannot thrive in the sordid atmosphere where evil is believed in and spoken.
But one might naturally ask, "How does my manner of conversation bear upon my health and happiness?" Christian Science teaches that both cause and effect are mental. Conversation is the expression of our thought, and our thinking governs our bodies. All that God creates, and God is the only creator, is good and perfect. There can be nothing outside of His perfect creation. To give unnecessary voice to or listen to error without mentally rebuking and so destroying it, is to deny good and give power to evil. It is the duty of every student of Christian Science to guard well his thought against false rumors and reports, and to dwell on that which is good alone, rejecting all else as unreal.
On page 346 of "Miscellaneous Writings," Mary Baker Eddy writes, "It is a rule in Christian Science never to repeat error unless it becomes requisite to bring out Truth." Error must be stripped of its claim to reality. It has no name; it belongs to no one. We must keep ever before our thought the real man made in God's likeness, according to the perfect pattern, not given to sin, untouched by disease or accident. The mission of every right thinker is to destroy all manner of evil by knowing its unreality, and to enthrone God, good, as All-power. God is the only Mind. On page 539 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," our Leader declares, "God could never impart an element of evil, and man possesses nothing which he has not derived from God." Therefore evil claims never touch God's man; it is only the mortal concept of this man which appears to sin and suffer.
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October 26, 1940 issue
View Issue-
Choosing Good
Teaching the Bible in the Sunday School
The Father's Business
"Awake thou that sleepest"
The Real Need
"No corrupt communication"
My attention has been called to a recent issue in which...
Alexander S. Milne, Committee on Publication for Northern and Eastern Districts of India
The need of the hour is to know God and His Christ, to...
Herbert W. Beck, Committee on Publication for The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts, formerly Committee on Publication for Northern California,
In a recent issue a writer says, "Perhaps Mrs. Eddy's...
Stanley Sheen, Committee on Publication for Yorkshire, England,
In reply to "Christadelphian," in a recent issue, I would...
Lt.-Col. Robert E. Key, District Manager of Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
The Impersonal Visit
Evelyn F. Heywood
"For they shall be filled"
Alfred Pittman
The Lectures
with contributions from Sara H. Woodman, Maude M. Doak, Dorothy Payne, Frank Balls Ouseley, Clarence E. Enders, Elizabeth A. Savage
I was considered an epileptic, according to one medical...
John H. Chamberlin
I wish to express my gratitude for all the blessings and...
Edith Hathaway
Because I am humbly grateful for Christian Science I...
Norma Strebler with contributions from Shirley Strebler Bivens
The Psalmist says, "He sent from above, he took me, he...
Christine Sommerlad
Over sixteen years ago Christian Science came to me...
John H. Boergert
It is nearly twenty years since I began the study of...
Gwendolen A. Mitchell with contributions from Alice Florence Howe
Heaven Within
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Guisan, William T. Manning, Roosevelt, Samuel A. Wright, Charles W. Sheerin