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It is nearly twenty years since I began the study of...
It is nearly twenty years since I began the study of Christian Science, and the blessing which this study has brought me are indeed more than can be numbered. I did not take it up for healing, although I was greatly in need of healing, but I was led to it through the joy expressed by another student. I am very grateful to her for the way she let her light shine. I had always been considered delicate, timid, and nervous, and, until I found Christian Science, had never expected to be anything else. The Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, seemed to me the most wonderful book I had ever read, and I studied it every available minute. Gradually, as I continued to study, my health improved; weak heart, anemia, bad chilblains, and heavy colds were healed, and I was able to take part in the sports and activities enjoyed by other girls of my age. A year or two later I was admitted to membership in the local Christian Science Society, and I am most grateful for the help I have received through church membership.
I have had instantaneous healings of burns, colds, scalds, sprains, and strains. A severe attack of shingles was overcome in three days, through my holding steadfastly to the truth and refusing to be discouraged. Another interesting healing, which must have been instantaneous, was the disappearance of a large scar on one of my shins. The healing of the wound had come very quickly, but I had evidently not been sufficiently thorough in my mental work, for the scar remained, and seemed to grow more ugly and somewhat painful as time went on. One day I realized that the scar was still there because I had not seen sufficiently clearly that in truth no accident had ever happened to me; I had not identified myself sufficiently with my real selfhood as the image and likeness of God. I must have been healed at that moment, for the next time I thought of the matter I glanced at my leg and there was no trace of the scar. This lesson has been very valuable to me through the years, because I have seen that whatever the difficulty, whether in the physical realm or in one's relations with other people, one must see clearly that it is unreal and, never having truly existed, can leave no unpleasant scar.
The sudden passing on of my husband was a severe test, but Christian Science brought me gently through it and lifted my thought higher, giving me a wonderful peace, and enabling me to discern something of the "unbroken links of eternal, harmonious being," of which our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, speaks on page 68 of Science and Health.
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October 26, 1940 issue
View Issue-
Choosing Good
Teaching the Bible in the Sunday School
The Father's Business
"Awake thou that sleepest"
The Real Need
"No corrupt communication"
My attention has been called to a recent issue in which...
Alexander S. Milne, Committee on Publication for Northern and Eastern Districts of India
The need of the hour is to know God and His Christ, to...
Herbert W. Beck, Committee on Publication for The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts, formerly Committee on Publication for Northern California,
In a recent issue a writer says, "Perhaps Mrs. Eddy's...
Stanley Sheen, Committee on Publication for Yorkshire, England,
In reply to "Christadelphian," in a recent issue, I would...
Lt.-Col. Robert E. Key, District Manager of Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
The Impersonal Visit
Evelyn F. Heywood
"For they shall be filled"
Alfred Pittman
The Lectures
with contributions from Sara H. Woodman, Maude M. Doak, Dorothy Payne, Frank Balls Ouseley, Clarence E. Enders, Elizabeth A. Savage
I was considered an epileptic, according to one medical...
John H. Chamberlin
I wish to express my gratitude for all the blessings and...
Edith Hathaway
Because I am humbly grateful for Christian Science I...
Norma Strebler with contributions from Shirley Strebler Bivens
The Psalmist says, "He sent from above, he took me, he...
Christine Sommerlad
Over sixteen years ago Christian Science came to me...
John H. Boergert
It is nearly twenty years since I began the study of...
Gwendolen A. Mitchell with contributions from Alice Florence Howe
Heaven Within
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Guisan, William T. Manning, Roosevelt, Samuel A. Wright, Charles W. Sheerin