[Extracts from report of Christian Science Committee for State Institutions and Agencies in New Jersey]

Christian Science activities are now being carried on by...

Christian Science activities are now being carried on by this Committee as the agency of the churches and societies in this state in two state hospitals for the insane, three state penal institutions, and two state reformatories. The cooperation of the officials in charge of these institutions and their friendly help to the workers are gratifying features of this work. The earnest attention given to the reading of the Lesson-Sermon in the Christian Science Quarterly by the many who attend these services, and their interest in reading the Christian Science Sentinel and The Christian Science Monitor, which are distributed after each service, are often favorably commented upon by the workers and officials.

Since our last report, permission has been granted by the proper authorities to hold Christian Science services and distribute our literature in another large state institution for the insane. On the first Sunday in February of this year the first Christian Science service was held in the state hospital for the insane in Trenton. There have been many requests received already from relatives or friends asking that the workers call on some of the inmates in whose welfare they are interested, with a view to offering Christian Science help to them, and these requests have been given consideration.

The attendance at the Sunday service at State Prison Farm, Bordentown, and the interest therein, are frequently commented upon favorably by the men and the guards.

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Human and Divine Experience
October 12, 1940

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