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"Man's extremity is God's opportunity."
"Man's extremity is God's opportunity." It was in such an extremity that I was guided to take up the study of Christian Science some eight years ago in an effort to regain my health. In Job we read, "Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace." I am most grateful for Christian Science because, through its study and application, I am learning daily how to acquaint myself with God, our great Physician, who "healeth all thy diseases."
I am increasingly grateful for the healing I received of what was diagnosed by two physicians, after X rays were taken, as a spontaneous collapse of the right lung, and for the loving help so cheerfully given to me by consecrated practitioners. In this experience, my belief of health as a condition of matter or the body was changed through spiritualization of thought to an understanding of health as a spiritual quality of divine Mind, God, and His perfect spiritual creation. Our two children, who were five and ten years of age at the time of our taking up the study of Christian Science, have ever since enjoyed the privilege of attending the Sunday school, for which I am most grateful. In the eight years that have passed, the application of Christian Science has met our every need. We have had healings of sickness, such as pneumonia, colds, chicken pox, semiparalysis of the face, and effects of accidents, and our human needs have been supplied. During the past years I have on several occasions passed through the experience of being without employment, at one time over a period of many months. Much fear was manifested at times, and I was greatly disturbed at the possibility of losing my home. Although the aggressive mental suggestions seemed very real to me at the time, I can now realize that each experience was an opportunity for growth in grace as well as furnishing an understanding to meet each future problem. During the period of unemployment it was necessary to become and remain conscious of the fact that I was constantly employed in spiritualized thinking, and to realize the truth of Mrs. Eddy's words in "Miscellaneous Writings" (p. 307), "God gives you His spiritual ideas, and in turn, they give you daily supplies."
In working out the problem of my home, I discovered that my concept of home had to be changed. It was necessary to exchange the material concept of home for the spiritual, to realize that home is in the Godlike consciousness. Through the reflection of God expressed in service to mankind, the funds to purchase my home were manifested. Since God is infinite Mind and His spiritual ideas are inexhaustible and belong to man by reflection, my home was sustained and protected by my claiming more of this divine heritage ever at hand. Through constant and radical reliance on Truth, my home has been protected and my needs have been met.
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September 25, 1937 issue
View Issue-
Sealing the Victory
Lasting Peace
Love Provides Abundantly
Gratitude the Magnifier of Good
Systematic Study
"Be still"
In a sermon, as reported in your issue of November 6...
Cyril R. Hewson, Committee on Publication for Derbyshire, England,
Please allow me space to correct what I believe gives a...
John W. Watkins, Committee on Publication for the State of Florida,
The station announcer said: Good afternoon, Ladies and...
Church of the Air" talk over Columbia Broadcasting System by Harry C Browne,
"The accuser is not there"
Duncan Sinclair
Legitimate Propaganda
George Shaw Cook
The Lectures
with contributions from Margarethe AH Diercksen, Gordon Sublette Harrison, Olive W. Commons, Charles G. Bertenshaw, Edgar C. Sherwood, Louise Krause
I am very grateful for the benefits which I have received...
Ernesta Ravinale
I desire to express my profound gratitude for Christian Science...
Harry S. Whitehair
For a number of years Christian Science has been my...
Ethel C. Civill
"Respond to God's ability."
Edith M. Eyre
I am so glad to give my testimony of the wonderful...
Hazel V. La Tour
"Man's extremity is God's opportunity."
George Henry Drechsel, Jr.
Christian Science came into my life at a crucial moment
Frances K. Markman
Christian Science has proved a very definite and practical...
Louie Sanderson
I should like to join in the many songs of praise to God...
Cleo H. Fuller
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Thomas Mann, Chiang Kai-Shek, P. J. Maveety, G. Randall Jones