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From Letters, Substantially As Published
In a sermon, as reported in your issue of November 6...
Derbyshire Advertiser
In a sermon, as reported in your issue of November 6, a bishop, referring to the subject of healing, made the following remark: "The Christian religion is not, primarily, like Christian Science, a faith-healing cult." This statement is misleading, since Christian Science is not primarily concerned with bodily healing, but with the elimination from human consciousness of fear, ignorance, and sin through a more spiritual understanding of God. Its marked success in the healing of physical ailments is the natural and inevitable result of a more spiritually enlightened concept of the nature of God and is regarded by Christian Scientists as one of the "signs" following such understanding. In the healing works of Christ Jesus the evils of fear and sin were cast out and the diseased condition was immediately healed. The individual was, therefore, regenerated spiritually and physically, and this is the standard of all Christian Science healing. Inasmuch as the religion of Christian Science is based upon the gospel teachings of pure Christianity, and its healing works are those which Christ Jesus said should follow "them that believe," Christian Science is a Christian religion, and not a mere "faith-healing cult," as was implied by the bishop.
The purpose of the Christian Science church is simply stated in the Church Manual, by Mary Baker Eddy. On page 17 we read, "On motion of Mrs. Eddy, it was voted,—To organize a church designed to commemorate the word and works of our Master, which should reinstate primitive Christianity and its lost element of healing."
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September 25, 1937 issue
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Sealing the Victory
Lasting Peace
Love Provides Abundantly
Gratitude the Magnifier of Good
Systematic Study
"Be still"
In a sermon, as reported in your issue of November 6...
Cyril R. Hewson, Committee on Publication for Derbyshire, England,
Please allow me space to correct what I believe gives a...
John W. Watkins, Committee on Publication for the State of Florida,
The station announcer said: Good afternoon, Ladies and...
Church of the Air" talk over Columbia Broadcasting System by Harry C Browne,
"The accuser is not there"
Duncan Sinclair
Legitimate Propaganda
George Shaw Cook
The Lectures
with contributions from Margarethe AH Diercksen, Gordon Sublette Harrison, Olive W. Commons, Charles G. Bertenshaw, Edgar C. Sherwood, Louise Krause
I am very grateful for the benefits which I have received...
Ernesta Ravinale
I desire to express my profound gratitude for Christian Science...
Harry S. Whitehair
For a number of years Christian Science has been my...
Ethel C. Civill
"Respond to God's ability."
Edith M. Eyre
I am so glad to give my testimony of the wonderful...
Hazel V. La Tour
"Man's extremity is God's opportunity."
George Henry Drechsel, Jr.
Christian Science came into my life at a crucial moment
Frances K. Markman
Christian Science has proved a very definite and practical...
Louie Sanderson
I should like to join in the many songs of praise to God...
Cleo H. Fuller
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Thomas Mann, Chiang Kai-Shek, P. J. Maveety, G. Randall Jones