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After eighteen years of semi-invalidism I was healed...
After eighteen years of semi-invalidism I was healed through Christian Science treatment of general debility, chronic malaria, anemia, constipation, and extreme nervousness. It has been thirteen years since I was healed, and none of these ills have returned. For many years I had been too weak to stand more than a few minutes at a time. Numerous physicians had been sought out and various cures had been tried, but to no avail. My healing came about through the understanding of a member of my husband's family who was visiting in our home. The second evening of her visit we were talking about my condition, and while she chose her words carefully with regard for my husband's profession, as he was a minister of an orthodox church, I unhesitatingly asked for Christian Science help.
The next morning I felt so strong and well that I joined my family at breakfast, very much to their surprise, and remained up all day. The next day I did likewise, but it was not until the third morning that I realized I was permanently healed. My joy was unbounded for deliverance from the seeming bondage to the flesh. My next reaction was a desire to know something about this great truth that had made me free. I knew that a member of my husband's congregation owned a copy of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and I asked my husband's permission to borrow it. He consented, with the understanding that I would return it as soon as I read it through once. On page 449 of this wonderful book Mrs. Eddy says, "A grain of Christian Science does wonders for mortals, so omnipotent is Truth." I learned enough of the truth of being from that one perusal to heal myself during the next few years of influenza with attendant high fever, a broken vein, extreme pain from the aftereffects of tooth extraction, and colds; in each instance the healing was instantaneous.
My husband and my children were respectfully silent in the presence of these healings, and in return I did not mention Christian Science. In this way Love reigned and no inharmony ever arose over the subject.
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September 18, 1937 issue
View Issue-
Sufficient Guidance
Business Is Good
"Let us love one another"
Active Witnesses
Constant Christian Militancy
Is Economics Academic or Divine?
Christian Science College Organizations
The Firmament
In your last issue I notice the report of an address on...
Paymaster Capt. William H. Coomber, Committee on Publication for Bedfordshire, England,
May space be found in an early issue of your excellent...
Louis N. Denniston, Committee on Publication for the State of Connecticut,
The writer of an article in your esteemed newspaper...
Percy Hisson Tamm, Committee on Publication for Sweden,
In Saturday's issue of the Telegraph you published an...
Miss Constance Muriel Frost, Committee on Publication for Queensland Australia,
"Effectual fervent prayer"
Duncan Sinclair
Doing God's Will
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Gertrude E. McIntyre, Edgar G. Harris, Donald H. Goetz, John Huntington Roe, Sealy H. Bolin
More than twenty years ago Christian Science came to...
Louisa Venables
In the Bible we read, "The Spirit of God hath made me,...
Charles A. Palazzolo
I wish to express my gratitude for the many blessings...
Flora Haaf with contributions from Helena A. Haaf
Twenty years ago I became interested in Christian Science...
Virgie Giltner Butts
About seven years ago, during a very difficult period...
Flora Isabel Goodacre
Before I learned of Christian Science I was like many...
Emil Böttcher
After eighteen years of semi-invalidism I was healed...
Irene Williams
With the deepest sincerity and gratitude I should like...
Alberta B. Hicks
I feel impelled to express deep gratitude for Christian Science
Charles Rossiter Stuart
Sons of God
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Dorothy Thompson, Charles Evans Hughes, Stanley Baldwin, Gerhard Groerich
with contributions from HARRY I. HUNT