It is nine years since my husband and I turned completely...

It is nine years since my husband and I turned completely to Christian Science as our only physician and guide. In that time it has never failed when honestly applied. The first healing I received came while reading several Sentinels that were given me. For nearly ten years I had worn glasses, and was greatly inconvenienced and suffered considerably whenever they were broken. While reading the Sentinels I realized that "God is no respecter of persons," and that what was possible to one was possible to all through the truths that I was reading. I was completely healed. Since that time it has been possible for me to do close book work and any amount of reading desired, with comfort.

Many healings have taken place since, of colds, dengue fever, weak arches, bilious headaches, and constipation of many years' standing. Fear, sarcasm, and other unloving traits of character have in a degree been overcome.

One healing that stands out to me is the healing of an abscess on the shoulder blade. It proved to me the inadequacy of so-called material remedies. We were visiting relatives at the time, and both my husband and I were very young in our knowledge of Christian Science, and although we tried to work as best we knew how, the condition seemed to get worse. Those around us were opposed to Christian Science and felt as though something material should be done, and continually offered different material remedies. Finally, I yielded to the suggestion, and used a poultice that was supposed to draw such things quickly. However, after using the application several days, I still suffered extremely, and the condition was no better. I then made my decision to turn unreservedly to Christian Science. Being in a city where we were not acquainted with any Scientists, I asked my husband to call any practitioner listed in The Christian Science Journal. Work was immediately taken up, with results quickly manifested. This healing was complete within a week.

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Testimony of Healing
That Christian Science does heal all our diseases and...
August 21, 1937

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