In the Danvers Independent there appeared a column...


In the Danvers Independent there appeared a column devoted to a discussion of the subject, "Why I Can't Afford to be a Christian Scientist," by a clergyman of your community.

Christian Science does not "contradict the plain facts of God," as our writer declares. Anyone may ascertain this by a study of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science. Mrs. Eddy was healed from the effects of a supposedly fatal accident, through a revelation which came to her as she read the account of the healing of the palsied man in the Bible. For three years after her discovery of Christian Science she studied the Scriptures almost exclusively. Consequently, she gave us as the first of the six Tenets of Christian Science, which are accepted by all who become members of the Christian Science church (Science and Health, p. 497), the following: "As adherents of Truth, we take the inspired Word of the Bible as our sufficient guide to eternal Life." Throughout Science and Health, Mrs. Eddy sustains logically and consistently the fact that Christian Science is a religion based on the Bible.

The writer objects to the quotation, "Man is incapable of sin" (Science and Health, p. 475). He fails to state that this quotation refers to man made in the image of God, as described in Genesis, the God who "saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good." The perfect man, created by Spirit, is not the so-called Adam-man, made of the dust of the ground.

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