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It is with deepest gratitude that I desire to give my...
It is with deepest gratitude that I desire to give my testimony of healing in Christian Science which occurred half a century ago. I had been an invalid for some months, having a bowel trouble which a number of physicians pronounced incurable. I was a member of the Congregational church, and at that time there were adult Bible classes in the Sunday school. The teacher of the one I was in was a most devout and trusting Christian and believed that healing could be done by prayer, but she also believed that God knows our suffering and permits it for our good sometimes, and that when we pray we must always say, If it be Thy will. I prayed daily in this way to be relieved of my suffering.
At this time my family was getting me ready to go to a noted sanitarium, when a member of my Sunday school class came to see me and found me in despair. She said: "I came to tell you of a system of healing without drugs or surgery. I don't know what they call it, but why not try it?" She said her neighbor was away studying this new method, and that she would let me know when she came home. My husband felt that he would not be willing to try a new thing, but in the meantime one of his friends told him of the healing of a mutual friend through something they called Christian Science. This lady lived in a near-by town and had been bedridden for four years but was now walking all over town. This incident changed his mind and I was permitted to see the practitioner. The first question she asked me was. "Do you think God knows of your suffering?" I said, "Oh, yes, and I have prayed so long for relief, but now I believe it is not His will and I am almost rebellious." I shall never forget the sweet look upon her face as she told me what God's will really is for all of His children. As she talked I caught a glimpse of the infinite goodness of God, and saw that I had been praying for Him to do something He knew nothing about. She then gave me a treatment. I felt great relief, and after three treatments the obstruction seemed to give way and there began to be a right functioning. In ten treatments I was completely healed, and from that day to this there has been no more trouble.
After the third treatment I bought "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. This book was the twenty-sixth edition, and the first page of chapter one, called "Science of Being," showed me why those kind doctors could not help me. My case of healing was about as remarkable as the one of the lady who had been bedridden four years; and shortly after, when I walked into the church, it occasioned much surprise. My old Sunday school teacher came to see how the healing came about. I told her that I felt that it was through the power of God, but that I could not tell her how. As I studied Science and Health I began to see how the healing was done, and I also saw that I could no longer believe in the creed of the church as to the forgiveness of sins. I asked for a letter of dismissal, which I received after a long talk with the pastor and a committee sent to see if Christian Science was a Christian religion.
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December 4, 1937 issue
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Self-Will or God's Will?
Spiritual Understanding
"My reason for existing"
The Mission of Christian Science
"Love one another"
Learning to Accept
"Honest competition"
A statement from a bulletin of the Associates in the...
Clair D. Robison, Committee on Publication for the State of Indiana,
No Christian Scientist would dispute that pain appears to...
Albert J. Windle, Committee on Publication for Nottinghamshire, England,
Replying to my letter correcting his allegations of blasphemy...
C. Shelton Agar, Committee on Publication for Natal, South Africa,
The Power of Inspiration
Violet Ker Seymer
"And it was winter"
George Shaw Cook
The Lectures
with contributions from George F. Kuder
I am grateful with all my heart for the good which I...
Maria Lütgens
The acceptance of His Word revealed in Christian Science...
Lottie Lou Hart
I am indeed grateful for Christian Science
Lester L. McDaniel
I am very grateful for all the help I have received in...
Clara E. Drury
I should like to express my gratitude for Christian Science...
Ernest Julius Sommermann
Four years ago I first heard of Christian Science...
Elsa Ahlgren
It is with deepest gratitude that I desire to give my...
Marcia E. Hole
With a sincere and deep sense of gratitude for the unfailing...
Mary B. Humphrey
The first day of August, 1936, will always remain vividly...
Henry Richard Grubb
During the fifteen years I have been a student of Christian Science...
Mabel Heylon Tinlin
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Odell Shepard, J. Price Williams