the ages God has been recognized as Father, and our Master, Christ Jesus, taught his disciples this fact in the prayer known as the Lord's Prayer, that prayer which Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, tells us "covers all human needs".
woman who said that she was "not good enough to try Christian Science" would not have made that remark if she had gained a correct understanding of the nature of Christian Science.
I would hear that Word behind me say,"This is the way,"Would know each turn at left hand and at right,And feel the confidence of paths made straightFor me,Straight and lighted with the lightOf Mind, of Love and purity,Then I must wait,Stand quiet.
Ernest H. Partridge, Committee on Publication for Glamorganshire, Wales,
In replying to a clergyman's remarks on Christian Science, I should like to point out that the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science has brought to the world a religion that is healing the sick, reforming the sinner, and in so doing affords practical proof of the Science she elucidates.
It is with a deep sense of gratitude for the many blessings that have come to me and mine through the study of Christian Science that I give this testimony.
Barbara E. Suchting
with contributions from Douglas W. Suchting
It is with a heart full of gratitude for the understanding of God which I have received through the teachings of Christian Science that I wish to add my testimony to many others.
With a heart overflowing with gratitude to God for the many blessings I have received through the study of Christian Science I wish to add my sincere testimony.
Many years ago, before knowing anything whatever about Christian Science, I was taken to a Wednesday evening testimony meeting while on a visit to New York City.
Truth has swept away the cloudy veilWhich seems to shut God's universe from view,That peace and joy may rest on vale and hill,And loveliness in all the world be new;When Love's clear light has marked the open way,That faith may rise on strong and steadfast wingInto the dawning of that perfect dayWhen heaven lies revealed to hearts that sing;And when the Life that ever lives, and knowsThe glorious fruitage of eternal years,Has pulsed in every heart to cleanse and proveThe fruitlessness of mortal joys and fears,Thus shall the glory of the Lord of hostsShine forth, and all His universe unfoldIn love and beauty to our wond'ring eyes—The vision infinite shall men behold.
with contributions from J. Reid, L. B. Ashby, George F. Gaerttner, Mildred Seydell, Edmund J. Thompson, George Richmond Grose, Ernest H. Cherrington, Beverley Baxter
The Tenets of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, for the use of branch Churches of Christ, Scientist, are printed on sheets containing space for adding the application forms for membership in branch organizations, or extracts from their by-laws.
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with contributions from J. Reid, L. B. Ashby, George F. Gaerttner, Mildred Seydell, Edmund J. Thompson, George Richmond Grose, Ernest H. Cherrington, Beverley Baxter