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The truth as revealed in Christian Science has been a...
The truth as revealed in Christian Science has been a source of great help and joy to me. I have had many proofs of the healing power of this Science. For about four years I wore glasses for astigmatism and eyestrain. The healing was brought about and made permanent by the reading of our textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, though no specific work was done for this condition. I also have been healed of bilious headaches. The frequency of these attacks made life very miserable. I took many material remedies in the endeavor to find freedom from this condition, but in vain. After I turned to Christian Science, all material remedies were dispensed with, and I relied entirely upon divine Mind. The attacks became less severe and less frequent. But after I had been free from them for a long period, they returned with greater violence than ever before. I asked for help from a practitioner, and was permanently healed.
In my study of singing, it seemed that to progress I must enter a musical festival. My thought was filled with fear of the judges, of public opinion, and a decided dislike for competitive work. I asked for help from a practitioner. Work was done, and during a visit with her it was pointed out to me that our Leader says on page 71 of Science and Health: "Evil has no reality. It is neither person, place, nor thing, but is simply a belief, an illusion of material sense." Studying this statement, I was led to see that all I had to do was to relinquish all sense of a material self and to know, instead, that God governs. At the competition, my thought was so uplifted that I was not aware of any person or of being in any place, but was conscious only of God. I received first place, with a very large margin of marks. I am grateful for this demonstration, but most grateful for the spiritual understanding I gained from this experience. I have also had many proofs of the efficacy of Christian Science in examinations and in my place of business, for which I am sincerely grateful.—John Edmund Pearson, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
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November 2, 1935 issue
View Issue-
On Exploring the Present
"Beloved Christian Scientists"
Lesson of the Gnarled Tree
Applying Christian Science
Our Part in the Church Service
"Study to be quiet"
Maintaining Our Identity
Love Meets Our Need
Your issue of August 17 contains a short article on "The...
Charles W. J. Tennant, District Manager of Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
The Record of February 24 quotes a member of the...
Aaron E. Brandt, Committee on Publication for the State of Pennsylvania,
The station announcer said: "Good afternoon, ladies and...
"Church of the Air" talk over Columbia Broadcasting System by William Wallace Porter,
Putting Our Trust in God
Duncan Sinclair
Adequacy and Abundance
George Shaw Cook
The Lectures
with contributions from Alice T. Edwards, Mildred Coshun
The truth as revealed in Christian Science has been a...
John Edmund Pearson
I wish to express my sincere gratitude for Christian Science...
Mayme L. Clopton
Early in my experience in Christian Science, in fact before...
Juanita R. Jordan with contributions from Donald S. Jordan
I did not come into Christian Science because of any...
Kate Holland Patton
When I first began to attend the Christian Science...
Fritz Bauer with contributions from Johanna Duss, Frida Bührer
When I began the study of Christian Science, in 1900, I...
Ellen S. Johnson
I feel immense gratitude for Christian Science
Ivy E. Gandy
In February, 1928, the doctors told me that nothing could...
Minnie Beckwith
The Awakening!
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Stephen C. Clark, George M. Anderson, A Correspondent, Bruce Brown, J. V. Tinnin, John Snape