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On Exploring the Present
One of the most common tendencies of mortals is to rest thought upon some past event in human experience or to anticipate some future happening, to look either forward or backward in the realm of time—backward, upon events unhappy as well as pleasurable, disastrous as well as successful, even finding a kind of morbid satisfaction in reviewing that which was evil and untoward in one's experience; forward, in anticipation of good or evil, of pleasure or pain, of joys to be shared and evils to be encountered. This tendency derives from the failure to find in the present that which satisfies the human heart—that something which brings a sense of lasting joy, that peace which passeth all understanding. Nothing could more completely prove the unreality of the so-called mortal mind than its proverbial restlessness.
Beneath this mental attitude lie certain fundamental errors, which are exposed through the spiritual understanding gained from the study of Christian Science. These errors spring from wrong concepts of Deity, of time and eternity, and from the personalizing of good and evil. That God is infinite Spirit, ever present and eternal, is a fact established firmly both in the teachings of the Bible and in Christian Science. That eternity is without beginning or end precludes the possibility that time has any existence apart from the erroneous concepts of mortal mind. Moreover, the infinite and eternal, considered in time or space, can have no standard of measurement. Therefore, the ever-present, the spiritual now, without past or future, is the eternal fact regarding all existence. Why, then, should mortals look either forward or backward, since both these tendencies connote that which has no existence apart from a false sense of experience? While past events may have had a place in human history, in reality, that is, with the real man, they have had no existence whatsoever. The real man, God's representative, coexistent and coeternal with Him, has no future and no past. He abides in the spiritual present, in the consciousness of the Father-Mother God.
Furthermore, since man's individuality and consciousness are reflections of the divine, as Mrs. Eddy assures us, man really possesses no state of consciousness apart from God, the source of all reality. And since infinite, eternal consciousness is conscious of all as eternally present, man, who as reflection has no consciousness unlike God, is conscious only of the eternal, the spiritual now. This presence of all reality in the eternal now was perfectly set forth by the Preacher. As rendered by a modern translator, the following verse reads (Ecclesiastes 3:15): "Whatever is, it has already been; whatever is to be, already is; and God is ever bringing back what disappears." This assurance of all good as existent in the spiritual present should stimulate mortals to explore the divine heritage of which man through reflection is ever in possession. In this way alone will one learn how rich he really is spiritually; what it means to be a child of God, a son of God, a joint heir with Christ.
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November 2, 1935 issue
View Issue-
On Exploring the Present
"Beloved Christian Scientists"
Lesson of the Gnarled Tree
Applying Christian Science
Our Part in the Church Service
"Study to be quiet"
Maintaining Our Identity
Love Meets Our Need
Your issue of August 17 contains a short article on "The...
Charles W. J. Tennant, District Manager of Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
The Record of February 24 quotes a member of the...
Aaron E. Brandt, Committee on Publication for the State of Pennsylvania,
The station announcer said: "Good afternoon, ladies and...
"Church of the Air" talk over Columbia Broadcasting System by William Wallace Porter,
Putting Our Trust in God
Duncan Sinclair
Adequacy and Abundance
George Shaw Cook
The Lectures
with contributions from Alice T. Edwards, Mildred Coshun
The truth as revealed in Christian Science has been a...
John Edmund Pearson
I wish to express my sincere gratitude for Christian Science...
Mayme L. Clopton
Early in my experience in Christian Science, in fact before...
Juanita R. Jordan with contributions from Donald S. Jordan
I did not come into Christian Science because of any...
Kate Holland Patton
When I first began to attend the Christian Science...
Fritz Bauer with contributions from Johanna Duss, Frida Bührer
When I began the study of Christian Science, in 1900, I...
Ellen S. Johnson
I feel immense gratitude for Christian Science
Ivy E. Gandy
In February, 1928, the doctors told me that nothing could...
Minnie Beckwith
The Awakening!
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Stephen C. Clark, George M. Anderson, A Correspondent, Bruce Brown, J. V. Tinnin, John Snape